Obama can only cry over murdered babies if he first rubs Bengay in his eyes.
Obama can only cry over murdered babies if he first rubs Bengay in his eyes.
20 years ago, when I was in my teens, the parents of some of my friends would use a variation of this line: “Scared of Being Treated Like Donald Trump Treats Minorities”. Without Donald Trump of course, who was not a political factor back then.
The best thing about the Republicans is that they believe in a culture of personal responsibility which is why they want you to know that everything is the President’s fault.
I’m often surprised at which of my male friends have total meltdowns after a breakup. I was especially surprised back in 1999, when a friend of mine was talking about breaking up with his girlfriend, because he was bored of her, and he was at UVA and so he had plenty of options. And then a month later she broke up…
Almost by definition, a party ends when the people leave. I am a bit surprised that people leave. And that people make such a big deal about leaving. I get annoyed at those who argue that leaving equals adulthood. The most famous case, and the most irritating case, is Joan Didion, who thought she knew what adulthood…
In his book “Confessions Of An Advertising Man”, written in 1962, David Ogilvy says that he expects his executives to be married by the time they are 30. If a guy was 35 and not yet married, then he could not be trusted with authority.
How old are you? Can you think of any reason why a 25 year old Republican would know any of the stuff you just mentioned? It’s all ancient history. They know old Republican dynasties about as well as they can recite the lineage of the first great kings of Assyria.
I would love to see a Constitutional Convention that simply ratified those decisions of the Supreme Court that have withstood the test of time. I’m thinking in particular of the radical expansion of Federal power that the Supreme Court authorized in 1935 and 1936. In particular, the broad interpretation of the…
At 00:47 seconds that head dip he does is almost the modern dap. I wonder if the dap was totally forgotten and then rediscovered, or if some dancers somewhere have always been doing it?
I have a question about this:
Home visits are still common in a lot of countries. I was just in Poland and the doctors would stop by the house, if someone really needed a home visit. Also, in the USA, doctor visits have become common, over the last 30 years, for the rich. Doctor home visits in the USA disappeared after WW II, but have made a big…
Why now?
I think the police should try Dimethyltryptamine. Maybe they would have a different perspective.
You make the mistake of assuming you are hearing from critics who are making a good faith effort to understand the situation. They are not. Anti-women rhetoric is simply how their side scores. If you are dealing with misogynists, why would they admit that a woman was raped, or a woman was beaten, or a woman was…
I guess I’m out of touch, but how can you watch Netflix if you are on a date? To me, “going on a date” means going out. Like when my friends who are in long-term couples say “this is our date night” they mean they are going out somewhere. It would be pretty sad if a couple of ten years thought “date night” meant…
It’s also worth remembering that in the USA 70% of all divorces are initiated by women. There are several ways to interpret that data, and the 2 most common are:
This is covered in an episode of Louis C. K., where the fat girl points out that the really handsome guys never mind when she flirts with them, but the guys who are themselves fat, or insecure about their looks, feel the need to put a lot of distance between themselves and the fat girl.
I think it is sad how often people who suffer from Lyme disease are then accused of faking it. My sister had to deal with this when she was sick. The problem is the lack of a reliable test. The bacteria that causes Lyme does not easily culture in a petri dish, so most of the ordinary tests are useless. So I feel…
“served its first drop of liquor for the first time since 1935.”