Thank you for the rec. I found Loewen’s Lies My Teacher Told Me to be a life-changing book. I look forward to being shook, again.
Thank you for the rec. I found Loewen’s Lies My Teacher Told Me to be a life-changing book. I look forward to being shook, again.
We walked out after 30 minutes. I haven’t done that in years. Studio bosses are idiots, and no doubt thought “Ladybird” was just a bit of cultural zeitgeist that could be cloned. Nope, turns out it was a well-written and well-directed movie with an outstanding cast. Sad thing is that this turkey may set back other…
His cutest features, side and chin dimples, appear to be disappearing under an onslaught of Restylane. Ruining dimples should be a capital crime.
Here’s a photo of Jerrod and his brother Josh, about 10 yrs ago. His skin is fair in this pic, but has a normal ruddy coloring. My guess is that Madam Ivanka insists on regular dermabrasion and botox and NO SUN. I note that he’s also much thinner now. Botox would explain the Cruella DeVille look his brows are…
I would go see this, if only because of Octavia Spencer. And I appreciate the swipe at Booksmart: we walked out after 30 minutes. The writing was...not great.
I have a problem with the stalking setup. Also: she’s gorgeous. Am I supposed to believe this guy is a relative catch? Let’s just have a show called “Abishola” and cut out boring Bob.
The problem with social media is that it allows hot takes and impulsive actions. And yeah, I’ll admit to being a non-morning person who HATES smelling greasy breakfast sandwiches on an AM commute. Hell, once there was a guy eating stew...I almost puked. However, the lack of the Twitter app on my phone prevents my…
I knew the principal had to be African American. The language of the dress code is redolent of “respectability” shaming.
This just points to the fact that at every stage, white decision-making dominated. The ad agency is Canadian and Ancestry is Mormon-owned with deep ties to the LDS church. I doubt the PBS execs who green-lit this were diverse.
I was just watching a nature program with these beasts featured. The zookeeper said they can easily disembowel you, and they’re sneaky—thus keepers always go into enclosures in pairs so they can’t get flanked.
I sort of developed a fusion of cursive and print that was legible to me, only. Classmates typically dismiss ask to borrow my notes more than once.
It probably means w/o aggravating offenses, e.g. physical harm to another person. IF sentencing guidelines are followed, he’d do some hard time for three counts:
Yeah, really weird anime body proportions, too.
When I was serving (in the 80s), 15 percent was standard. Today, I tip 20 percent. It feels too high, but I believe servers when they say their base pay hasn’t kept up with the cost of living.
I kinda like this guy, and look forward to seeing him during the debates. That being said, the media is showing a clear bias to white males. I’ve heard twice as much about him, Biden and Sanders (and ugh...Schultz) as the female and non-white male candidates.
I’ve seen a couple (just a couple) pics of Biden doing his face-touching thing with men, and zero head-sniffing w members of his own gender. Interestingly, there are no pics of him nuzzling or head sniffing women over fifty. He’s “affectinate,” but not to old women? It seems like his choices are somewhat sexualized,…
My extended family lives in a small city (~50k pop) in Ohio. It had bus service thru the 60’s, until factory jobs and taxpayers left for greener pastures. When I was growing up, it was impossible to get around without a car. Imagine my surprise when my cousin casually mentioned that she took an Uber home from a bar. …
I and my spouse are not religious. However, we did attend our nephew’s Catholic christening—me in a dress and heels, and he in suit and tie. I was surprised to see quite a few people wearing yoga pants, baggy jeans, team jackets and fugly sneakers. This was a well-to-do parish, so poverty was not an issue.
There’s a real Oedipal dynamic there. Honestly, it sounds like mom is jealous.
Let’s go a step further and not hire anyone who graduated from an Ivy League institution.