
Yeah, I have noticed that. Not that many white wmn don’t deserve criticism, but if you underplay racist behavior of white males, then you’re just being misogynistic. MH in particular seems to have a special contempt for Beckys.

Remember, everything this bitches do is on our dime.  I’m surprised Don Jr. hasn’t finessed some of that Africa money for one of his trophy-hunting trips. 

Thank you for the clarification. I did a little reading on post-term pregnancy after reading your comment.  Good lord, can’t imagine getting that far and thinking six days of labor was normal...

I just did the math—she was 10.5 months pregnant? It actually sounds like (apologies for the gross-out factor) the urinary tract infection was from putrefaction due to a dead fetus. It really is a miracle that this woman is alive. 

I have a cousin named Becky who is a lovely person. She is the complete opposite, in her words and actions, of the white women seen calling police over black people doing nothing.

It’s so fucking insane. Here’s an OK-looking, physically imposing WHITE MALE, and he thinks the fact that he’s a Failson is ‘cause of minorities and “bitches.”

His mother is Italian; his father was Filipino. He decided to be “Seminole” in recent years, I guess to explain his racially ambiguous appearance.

Now playing

Black people, esp black women, are some sort of anti-fetish for CK. He loves riffing on how scary black women are. Just a sample from the loathsome Opie and Andy...actually just the fact that he went on O&A is saying something about his racial beliefs.

I work at a business school of a large university. There is a type of white finance bro who feels like actual hard work and talent are scams. All you need to do is golf and scam your way to the executive suite. And...they may not be wrong.

Pretty good, except Fred Trump was born in the U. S. His father was an immigrant, and also (probably) a pimp. So...MAGA? 

I just saw the trailer, and suspected it would be as you described it. Nicole Kidman looks ridiculous, but she has mastered that vague, non-regional Steel Magnolia accent that sound exactly like no real Southerner.

(Raises hand) My husband forgot the rules last year and answered the door. There are few feelings worse than telling a little Pokemon and a smaller Elsa that you got ‘nothin. 

It’s quite an accomplishment to have a red neck from the front. 

A friend of mine swears that a belly-compression band did the trick. It’s best to use it right after childbirth when the collagen is still soft. 

Baby dolls, especially ones with eyes that could blink. I was probably always repulsed by them, but glimpsing that old Twilight Zone episode where an evil doll kills Telly Savalas.

You’re right-I knew that didn’t sound quite correct!

The Green Book has been digitized.

23andMe estimated that over 13 percent of the “white” people in South Carolina have some Sub-Saharan African DNA.  That reveal would be amusing, tho I’m afraid Lindsey would use it as proof that he can’t be racist.

There are some right-wing billionaires like Rebekah Mercer who would be glad to bankroll the overturn of Roe v. Wade. Next, I’m afraid they’ll start murdering the women on SC, like a real dictatorship.

According to the media, Black and Latino people only exist as problems. If a minority group polls strongly on an opinion, it’s just “identity politics.”