
Yeah, wth with Broadway seating? The seats are pitched so low.

Correct. The city of Chicago has paid $20 million to complaintants just through April of this year. Until cops are impacted by personal lawsuits (not to mention prison sentences) you will not see this culture change.

“America was named after the explorer America Vesjuicy”

Lol, 🍅

OK, let’s think about the end game here. Because, I really do think there’s an endgame. If they can revoke citizenship of naturalized citizens for “breaking the law,” then they can start revoking citizenship of born citizens for breaking the law. Disenfranchisement first, then you won’t be able to own property, then

Thank you for your kind words.

I am so sorry. I’ve been there, and even though I feel fine now, know that the “black dog” is always trailing me. One of the key components of depression is simply being unable to have good feelings. Yes, things are objectively great in our shared reality. The sun is shining! I’m successful at my career! Someone

Tom Arnold was obsessed for a while with the rumored “Elevator Tape” of Trump going Ray Rice on Melania in 2016.

I’ve seen the Amazing Acro-cats before, and talked to the trainers after the show. You have to find cats that are food-oriented. Not all are. If you can’t immediately reward them, then training won’t work. The most amazing thing in the show was four cats “playing” little instruments in a rock band.

I know a white couple who adopted a biracial (one parent white, one black) baby girl, who is now 11 or 12 years old. The mother hasn’t had her parenthood questioned when out alone with her, but the dad has had his relationship with the child challenged a couple times by random black people, and once by a white police

Remember when the Obama family couldn’t move into Blair House, the guest lodgings for the White House before taking residence? The Bush admin had some bullshit excuse. Rumors were that it was because Laura Bush had moved out of the White House and into the Blair months earlier. Maybe the White House needs permanent

Yeah, Mother Jones (and other publications) say detainees have reported having blue lips and finger tips from the cold. DHS claims that the temperature is a consistent 70 degrees, which is not cold enough to give someone blue lips.

You need to add dijon or grainy mustard and a tsp (or two) of sugar. It will give it a nice kick and a sweet/sour flavor. If you use mustard, leave out the celery seed.


I hope you’re right. It’s important for women and supporters of women everywhere to hit back if they try.

The judicial system will be used by him and his lawyers to try to destroy the reputations of his accusers. Just wait for the slime onslaught.

HamNo has always relied on hot-takes instead of actual content. OK when you’re ranting about yogurt; not OK when you cast aspersions on our first Black president.

Didn’t her sister date him and complained about his psychotic level of masturbation?

Baja-style fish tacos. Muy bueno.