I was just looking at the NOLA homicide map for 2018. Holy shit, it does seem like a lot of randoms. Also, Big Freedia’s brother was just murdered.
I was just looking at the NOLA homicide map for 2018. Holy shit, it does seem like a lot of randoms. Also, Big Freedia’s brother was just murdered.
And then there’s the phenomenon known in criminology as the “Family Annihilator,” where the father kills both mother and all of the kids. It really says something when it is common enough to have a name.
I stand corrected. She was Tut’s grandmother, Amenhotep III’s wife.
Blue eyes are older than light skin. Fun fact: based on genetic mapping, they think every person with blue eyes is descended from one guy. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/01/080130170343.htm
Nefertiti was Akhenaten’s wife. Tiye was King Tut’s mother. Tiye’s bust resembles what we would identify as a sub-Saharan African (e.g. Black) phenotype.
No problem with his fetish, but I do have a problem with him coercing actresses to participate in it. He’s powerful, and I doubt any of these women felt safe to turn him down.
Yeah, I hope you didn’t think I was criticizing your parenting. I cannot imagine how impossible it is to keep kids away from harmful media.
Yeah, I’m not going to pretend I understand even half of it. Acc. to urban dictionary a “blicky” in NYC slang for a hand gun. Can any gangstahs confirm?
Here’s a word cloud made out of “Gummo.” I mean...whatever the criminal charges, I would not want my kid listening to that.
I live in Chicago. On Everyblock (a hyperlocal social network) a neighbor who lives near a high school told about finding a gun stashed in one of her shrubs. She called the police who came by and picked it up. One of the officers told her it wasn’t uncommon for kids who were carrying to hide their weapons nearby for…
He’s like the Mark Wahlberg of Chicago media: mediocre, overpaid and yet supposedly popular.
He should have been put on the Times’ new “sympathetic Nazi” beat.
Possible silver lining: we need never contend with a Presidential candidate Alec Baldwin. Now, if we can just catch Oprah imprisoning a Filipina maid or something...
LOL, I’ll start with 3 inchers.
Anyone been to a Janelle Monae concert? I always presumed they would be a hella lot of fun. I also presumed everyone in the audience will be queer, sharply dressed ppl of color, so wonder if I will look like a dork.
Lack of self-awareness seems to extend to all aspects of Trump and his supporters. “I’ll dye my nearly non-existent hair and eyebrows black...yeah, that makes me look younger.” I’ve seen an older pic of Wynn with his ex-wife, who apparently enforced reality for him—he had perfectly OK-looking gray hair at the time.
The NYT times article included an interesting tidbit: the executive who greenlighted Allen for Amazon for a cool $25 million was the now-deposed harasser Roy Price. Suffice it to say that Amazon will not see any of that money again. Price was also the genius who killed the well-received series “The Good Girls Revolt,”…
I’m enjoying everyone’s personal “dumb-fucks think I ride a polar bear” stories, but this woman is a journalist. She’s supposed to A. Done some pre-interview homework, and B. Be savvy enough to not ask blatantly offensive questions.
According to some other sources, this woman (the harassment victim) was a calming influence within Meehan’s staff, since the Boss was usually a raging, screaming baby-man. Also, she was instrumental in getting Meehan to break ranks and refuse to vote against the ACA. So, my hat is off to you, anonymous heroine. Please…
It’s even worse: “Destiny’s family includes her husband Kalman, and sons Trey, Storm , Xtreme, Legend, and daughter Spirit.”