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    I think Kaiser was right to quote Bannon verbatim. By not quoting him exactly, he would be doing a disservice to the American people by misleading them. If viewers of the show found it distasteful and shocking, then so they should! Kaiser clarified his position on the statement by describing it as a ‘disgusting

    Probably. You’ll find that unless they are an under-educated benefits scrounger, a commercial fisherman, or over 50 they probably voted to stay. If they’re living the idyllic life in the country they are probably middle class conservatives, in which case they also probably voted stay.

    I thought you were making this shit up... The BBC lost the Great British Bake Off because they fund THIS SHIT? SERIOUSLY?

    As someone who has experienced similar issues, sometimes you need to say ‘This relationship is toxic, I want out. I can’t be friends with you anymore.’ Don’t give in to her manipulation. Recruit a close friend or family member to make sure she doesn’t have the chance to fuck up your wedding!

    I know, right? I miss it SO MUCH!

    Because not enough people give a shit about the rights of women and the objectification of women. When he hits something they DO give a fuck about, the shit will hit the fan big time. If he came out and threatened to ban guns, tobacco and Alcohol, he’d disappear into a deep dark hole and never be seen again. It’s sad,

    Keep that shit coming Trump. The worse you get, the better the chances SOMETHING will happen to kick you out. It’s counter-intuitive, but it will have to get worse before it’s bad enough to tip the scales.

    Those guns, right?

    I’m pretty sure that comment was supposed to read:

    Here’s hoping for a faithless electorate...

    In the UK you aren’t allowed to purchase more than 32 Paracetamol, Ibuprofen or Aspirin without purchasing it via the pharmacist. If you try to ‘stock up’ on pills with your grocery shopping the tills throw a tantrum and the cashier isn’t allowed to sell them to you. You CAN buy the ‘big boxes’ but only over the

    I suspect the weird accent may have more to do with the excessive botox in her trout-pout making it difficult for her to enunciate clearly...

    I think you’re right on all counts. Bullied kids need safe spaces to escape. I was bullied a lot as a child - one time in secondary school a girl I didn’t even know started calling me names and throwing things at my head when she saw me queuing for the cafeteria. As a result I was too afraid to get lunch. Nothing was

    As a brit who firmly believes in ironclad gun control, I will say that in choosing the shotgun approach, she chose something fast and (hopefully) painless. Without the guns, she would likely have OD-ed on painkillers or hung herself - neither of which are fast or painless ways to die if you fuck it up. So no, it’s not

    Fuck. Those. Assholes. I mean seriously! She survived a fucking BRAIN TUMOUR and all they could do was mock her hair and her smile. I’m fucking done with this planet.

    This. I think you reach a saturation point where if you dedicated the appropriate level of emotional engagement to a situation, you’d be overwhelmed, so you have to cut yourself off. It’s not just the people stories, either, I’m like this with all the horrific stories of animal cruelty and people chucking

    I’m not even American and I agree with this.

    Hiding in plain sight. Got blood all over you? It’s Halloween! No-one is going to ask questions. Carrying an axe dripping with blood? ‘Cool prop brah’. Severed Head? ‘Wow, realistic costume!’ Halloween needs to fucking stop.

    LOL I was thinking that too! Fuck that shit! I’d feel violated and my poor car might end up with issues further down the line as a result of the ass being ragged out of it. Replace the fucking car!

    I thought this. Customer Phones Nissan -> Nissan employ a service -> Service Employ a contractor -> Contractor fucks up. Ultimate responsibility lies with Nissan, since they employed the service in the first place. If the Customer had phoned the tow company directly, then the tow company would be responsible.