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    I know, right? I’m appalled! He was sexually abused, raped and assaulted. It was statutory rape regardless of what he thinks. It bothers me more than it bothers him but I just wish he’d take it more seriously.

    Oh yes, my maternal aunt is a raging thunder-cunt and I hope she dies a horrible death. It’s horrible but she has destroyed our family, took advantage of our Grandmother whose mental decline as a result of Dementia left her unable to care for herself, moved her far north away from everyone and isolated her. I hate her

    I read in an article about this that Gypsy is actually happy in Prison - she feels freer than she ever has before. She can get education and skills. This makes me sad.

    I know, right! I thought that! As DashleyinCali points out, it’s not okay for a 24yo male to be with a 17yo female, so the reverse shouldn’t be true. I happen to know a man, who, in his youth, claims he was seduced by a teacher and engaged in sexual activity with her. I was horrified when he told me, but he is PROUD

    Not to condone the boyfriend for cold-blooded murder, but he WAS the only one that actually took action to free her from her torturer. Just saying. He is clearly disturbed, but he’s not exactly the worlds BIGGEST monster. In the grand scheme of things...

    I have an aunt who basically has Munchhausen - she is an attention whore and when my mother was diagnosed with early stage endometrial cancer (or whatever the fuck it was - cancer cells in the lining of the womb) and underwent a hysterectomy, her sister immediately started complaining of the same symptoms and tried to

    Having been diagnosed with depression, there is a whole rigmarole you have to go through before finding the right medication that works for you. I have been through several medications that made me feel and behave in erratic and strange ways. Nightmares and night terrors, suicidal feelings, crazy mental numbness. It

    Exactly - as a child, if you’re sick you rely on your parents to tell you what is wrong. Poor Gypsy was kept in the dark her whole life. It doesn’t help that she wasn’t educated so she was utterly powerless. I imagine all the meds made her feel like shit too, so it probably wasn’t hard to believe she was ill when she

    I think you’re overestimating the level to which the mother permitted her to interact with the neighbours - Gypsy formed a friendship with one of the neighbours’ daughters but the mother threatened the daughter and limited their contact.

    This. A Thousand times this.

    Oh yeah - when you commercialise medical care, ethics become secondary. In the UK you CAN pay to go private, but the NHS doesn’t take any bullshit - if your tests turn up negative, you get discharged and hospitals talk to each other (sometimes). It would have been impossible for that woman to have her daughter treated

    I know, right? Removal of Salivary glands! HER TEETH! ARGH!

    I agree - Getting someone else to do something to help her would have been second-nature to her based on her upbringing.

    Agreed - I think her sentence was too harsh. I think rehabilitation and therapy would have been more appropriate to the situation TBH.

    I read this article the other day and was horrified. I feel so terrible for Gypsy Rose! I don’t condone her murder of her mother but if you were being kept a prisoner, subjected to painful procedures and lied to constantly (not to mention all the side effect of the drugs!), you’d probably kill in self defence to

    As an atheist, I don’t ascribe to religious dogma, or even to idolatry, per se, so when I see shops like this (and there are fuck ton of them around Cornwall and Somerset), to me, they are no different to repositories selling Rosary Beads and statues of the Virgin Mary. Doesn’t mean you shouldn’t respect what the

    This is my greatest fear. If I left naming our children to my partner I’m pretty sure the results would be grounds for divorce.


    This makes me unreasonably angry! We are literally surrounded by borderline explicit lingerie ads (both Male and Female models with their various lumps and humps clearly visible) where the primary and secondary characteristics of human sexual dimorphism are exploited in a highly sexualised way, and yet there is so

    Don’t forget the ubiquitous ‘United Colours of Benetton’ everything.