
Although, you know, though I - I started watching The Simpsons several years before Rabin's reviews, so you know, I could never really have learned anything directly from him still, I think, in a way, in a very meaningful way, that, uh, that I, uhhhh, all of us, have, uh, have learned from him. You know, that is, by

Except as the Brazilian person who first traveled backwards through time.

Everyone's a jerk. You. Me. This jerk. That's my philosophy.

Don't do it son. How's that game going to help your putting?

If you do not have a chit, you will not receive a gift!

In honor of the birth of our savior, Try-n-Save is open all day Christmas.

I'm not just an AV Club commenter, but a well-rounded person, with my own friends, and credit cards, and keys.

And, oh yeah, MacGyver's gay.

That is to say, your friend returned from a fancy east coast college and you were horrified to find he's a nerd.

I play Jack Handle, a retired cop who shares an apartment with a retired criminal. We're the original odd couple!

[checks box indicating "revenge"]

As I said to Dolores Montenegro in "Calling All Quakers": Have it your way, baby!

It made every Indian critic's top 400 list.

I myself received a number of medals for securing that Montgomery Ward in Kuwait City.

No one must know that I dropped my glasses in the toilet. Not I, the man who drafted the Paris Peace Accords.

And Professor Gas Can!

[carts away 100 tacos in a wheelbarrow] This should provide adequate sustenance for the Doctor Who marathon.

Where'd you get five bucks? I want five bucks.

Hey, that hurts. No wonder no one came to my birthday party.

Wait a minute - Statue of Liberty? That was OUR planet!! You maniacs! You blew it up! Damn you! Damn you all to hell!