
I went to her Youtube account. My favorite was in a video called ‘I’m leaving the country - Americans be haters’ where she announced she was moving to the UK. And when she got to London she was going to live in Newcastle.

She’s just a special snow flake, isn’t she? Everyone hates work, but she’s to special to put up with it. 

This has the ring of truth.

I was too busy watching the adorable kids to think much about the lack of furniture.

Can I also nominate this

Thank you. That was the best thing that happened to me all day.

Me and Jeff Goldblum is the right answer. Sigh.

The age factor icks me out. Women having to ‘learn’ to be with men they find repulsive icks me out. You never see an arc about men learning to be less superficial and falling for women they don’t find attractive.

I REALLY hope she goes to jail.

A white little princess like her going to jail? Just because she broke the law?

I still don’t understand why she cared. Anyone who’s met her daughter for 30 seconds will be able to tell she’s a total idiot anyway.

This is going to sound like a crazy conspiracy theory, but I think the public want to hear about it. I also think powerful men in high positions make sure the stories get killed because they’re involved.

Same here. Kids aren’t resilent and adaptable, they’re helpless. They have no choice but to put up with whatever fresh hell adults force on them.

It’s fine by me if he wants to keep it sexist. Women all over the world will just keep on not going.

Too bad you didn’t spend a lot of time passing high school english. Might be easier to understand you explanations if you had.

I think that looks pretty good. Think I’ll watch it.

Remember when she was cast in the remake of Bonnie and Clyde and Faye Dunaway said they should have taken a real actress? And Duff said she would be bitter too if she looked the way Dunaway looks now? She’s an asshole to boot.

And everytime she’s mentioned people keep calling her ‘talented’.

This. Slap the name of some pretty thing on the product and be done with it. Let’s not pretend Kylie Jenner’s the brains behind anything.

Where is he? What if that doctor needs a lecture on anathomy?!!