
Rich assholes overestimating their brains/achievements is something I have no problems believing, unfortunately.

I just realized they’re not the same person. I honesty thought they were.

They should base the second season on Dark Places. Then they won’t need Amy Adams. I know they made a movie based on it, but it sucked and was terribly misscast.

But was it ‘pneumonia’ pneumonia?

I saw an article about Michael Jacksons family defending him with the headline ‘It’s all about the money’. Never have truer words been spoken. The people who are in it for the money are the complicit enablers.

I learned he’s not really able to read from the documentary, but I didn’t realize he’s so ignorant he can’t even string together  coherent sentences until watching this.

Ah, these men. Always getting so emotional and hysterical.

I love how she doesn’t have that horrible photoshopped thigh gap you see everywhere.

I didn’t they had adopted. Can anyone adopt in the US? No way would someone be approved as an adoptive parent in Europe if they’re suspected of fiddling with kids.

Jesus fucking Christ. I hope you let her rot in a nursing home and never visit.

I’m Swedish. We’re not allowed to chose c-sections unless absolutely necessary. It’s also hard to get an epidural at all and for the people who get epidurals they’re not strong. I’ve heard that the strenth of epidural we get for c-sections is the same women giving birth vaginally get in the US. Lot’s of people rip all

So am I. He was a monster, but they were supposed to be good people. Special space in hell for someone who betrays their own children for money.

I don’t think so.

Because she’s old and ugly. That’s the problem with predging allegiance to a regime that hates women.

Isn’t that exactly what happened? I haven’t seen the documentary yet, but I think the parents talk about their acountability. I don’t know how they live with themselves.

This idea of a ‘childhood’ is a recent invention. Didn’t exist in the past. Still doesn’t in poor countries. Funny how most kids in say Somalia doesn’t turn into total fucking freakshows like MJ.

Do you truly believe that Michael was a serial pedophile?

Yes, and abusers often go after vunerable prey, who have previous trauma, poor judgement, make bad decisions, whatever. And it makes me crazy when people use it to excuse criminals. It’s not ok to rape anyone, I don’t care if they’re crazy or greedy or weird, it’s still a fucking crime to rape them.

He also had a ton of porn at his house.

I always thought the was a fucking gross peado. Even as a pre-teen in the the nineties. Why is society so blind? It’s right there in front of everyone and no one appears to notice.