
Girl power was always of the Thatcher supporting kind. Like, I got mine, fuck you.

It makes it way more common though.

They decriminalized in Holland and the number of trafficked kids shot way up. I hope they never do that anywhere else.

Presley did and then he ghosted her. That’s why she was glaring at him at some awards show. He was pretending they were a lovey-dovey married couple when in reality they hadn’t been in contact for months.

Weren’t they last time too, though? I thought he was charged with kiddie porn crimes, but since the little girl and her family actually denied it was her in it he walked :(

What? When? No!

I don’t think she really mentions them. Maybe just to laugh at all the money she’s conning out of the poor phlebs.

That movie had sex in it? I never saw it because it was going to for the dude demographic. But Patrick Swayze, Rob Lowe and sex sounds like an amazing combination. Might have to go watch it.

I wonder if he’ll be able to pay of the victims and make them go away again.

The really crazy thing is that those same terrible arguments WORKED last time. He’s just hoping they’ll work again.

I lost all hunger after a break up once. It was weird how I was able to function for weeks with barely any food at all.

Other benefits:

I’m sure he’ll stopp eventually by himself. I’ve followed limiting diets myself and you end up getting sick and tired of them.

I hope to God it will get enough attention for the power that be to have to do something. I don’t think it will.

The videos will never come out so we will never know what’s on them. 

I fucking hope so. This fucking case makes me angry like no other. 

She’s awesome.

Dunno, think it’s the hoodie.

Did they get tired of blackface and decide to go with lynchings?

What about all the fuckheads who voted for Trump? You can’t throw every non-violent offender in prison for the rest of their lives. And blaming him for Trump is a reach.