
You could get some kind of bird of prey? Maybe, I think?

Aw, look at them swimming for the first time!

What a crime against fashion that this beautiful creation had to be pulled.

I don’t understand why she doesn’t give him 10 million on the condition he stops talking to the press. It’s not like she’s not good for it. It has to be eating away at her family that she’s living like a princess and they’re not.

Yup. I also refuse to  buy Gucci since they’re affiliated with Trump.

I miss TWoP!

In ‘Walk this Way- the biography of Aerosmith’ Tyler and his camp tells their side of the story. It’s absolutely horrible from their point of view too.

Fuck her cunt mother is right. I was looking for the right words and those are it. How can one poor child only be surrounded by trash adults?

She also burned down a house and had to pay for that. But I still think it’s disgusting that record companies would make millions and not share with the artists.

That storyline drove me up the wall.

He reminds me of Michael Jackson. Grown ass dude who are stuck in childhoods are legit creepy.

I now have ‘Christmas is all around’ from Love Actually stuck in my head. But Christmas replaced with Goop.

You’re right and now I’m depressed.  And feel guilty as shit for still flying.

If black people got sick and tired of racism and hated whites it would be the same thing. And totally understandable. Your example isn’t the same at all.

Are you sure they’re a couple? I assumed they didn’t know each other.

She was so rude. In theory I could sympthize with someone who is inconvenienced by other passengers. But there’s no excuse for that behaviour.

There are roomy seats available for people who want to pay for them. I don’t want to pay more because other people are uncomfortable when I have no problem fitting.

They weren’t even that big. I would understand it if they were like Gilbert Grapes mum, but they weren’t. 

I love this from the Rolling Stone article: “He was a nose-picker, a law school dropout, and a necrophiliac who often mispronounced words.”

Thank you. I always thought he and maybe Dahmer were the only serial killers who didn’t have horribly abusive childhoods. Makes a lot of sense if that’s totally false.