Who the hell knows anymore

And Mr. Rogers was...

I’ll give Mannetech this, they use good intro music at their corporate events. (I blame my hours of studying to movie soundtracks and my deep, abiding respect for the national treasure that is Independence Day, for recognizing this... If anyone needs me, I’ll be listening through this entire soundtrack on Youtube.)

Soo...... where’s the rest of the story..? Asking for a friend

I, for one, welcome a Little Finger administration. Lord Baelish not only effectively ruled Baltimore despite all of the sheeeiiiiiit, but has also gotten into the good graces of the Lannisters Clintons, which is rather impressive.

In the streets and in the fields, one hears the fearsome rallying cry:Good Christ, anything but that!

Bernie Sanders talks in ALL CAPS.

So does he literally not talk to Kim or does he just ignore her when she says she’s making tens of millions of dollars on kids buying in-app purchases?


This video is really, really bad. It’s not clever after the first 10 seconds. It’s nonsense garbage, which is too bad, because it seemed like it could work. Also, President Camacho wasn’t a dictator.

Yeah, the more I watched I was realized it was intentional. A good portion of the second video involves some version of Mew (was never much for pokemon...).

Was there a command & conquer shout out at around 4:15 in the first video? Just curious if the Hand of Nod demonstrates how advanced we are as a civilization. Asking for a friend...

Isn’t this a legally actionable clone? This looks exactly like Smash to me — percentages for health, the way the players lose lives, the designs of the levels/screens/etc. This is insanely close and, unlike some small website with an 8-bit version of Smash, this is a top seller on Steam. I can’t imagine that

So, Abbi and Ilana, next time you think about insulting one of Portman’s professional choices, Don’t Panic, but be Fair. You don’t reach Such Great Heights by making bad choices and being unable to Let Go of them. We’re all In The Waiting Line for fame but we aren’t all Lebanese Blondes with Blue Eyes — some of us


I have a feeling the sailor who claimed he would “fly the pants off” of his buddy still faced some discrimination despite being FW&21....

The first time I ever heard this was when I brought one of my college roommates (east coast upbringing) to the midwest for Thanksgiving. One of my high school buddies decided this was the opportune moment to spring this phrase on all of us. It was basically impossible for me to argue that the midwest wasn’t as

This article was fantastic. Thanks for the solid data analysis, Annalee!

My college roommate, a rather devout atheist (if that’s a thing), used to get banner ads telling him he could meet Christian singles nearby. Hilarious to watch him defend why the banner ads were popping up on both levels (no guys, I’m not using dating websites... and no, I’m not secretly religious...)

The relevations therein

Farley's first sketch of all time and they put him up against the last winner of the World's Sexiest Man title, Patrick Swayze, in a topless dance-off. Instant Classic.