
Just as I expected, an echo-chamber of comments. Squelching any opposing views. Have fun wallowing in your ignorance.

“Since this was not any fault of mine, the way the individual continued to act appeared to be, upon reflection, because I was an African-American woman...” That is a professional race-baiter right there. This woman is smart enough to know if someone is being a racist right in the moment. It doesn’t need “further

By white-peopling do you mean giving up what they paid for to lazy people? Yes tis the season for that... But soon to be over :)

That’s the stupidest argument I’ve ever heard... If G.W. Bush took anyone’s seat, I can guarantee you that his picture would have been taken. It has nothing to do with race (race-baiters like you are so much worse than racists in my opinion) it has to do with proof.

The 1st ammendment is a basic fundamental right, and that does give us the right to complain and boycott. We can either bend over and take it - or we can be proactive consumers and make our demands clear. This is a supply and demand economy we live in. The supply does not dictate to the demand in a free economy. If we

One of our most important rights - is one that you’re trying to keep us from using. And that’s our right to complaign and boycott. In your very first paragraph you agree that the tactics of the airlines are barbaric, and yet you then go on to explain why we should put up with barbaric behavior. We’ve done a lot of