Omega meat supreme

+1 Cesar Romero Mustache

So, Google Home regularly has no idea how to help me with turning on a specific smart switch, and I’m supposed to believe that was an actual, unscripted conversation? To quote Paul Buchman, “I’m thinkin’ not so much.”

How is this a hit piece if it’s all true? The company can’t make half of the vehicles it promised at this point, and yet they’re getting rid of workers. He’s blaming the woes of his company on outside contractors when the issue is clearly much bigger.

I don’t know wether to be more alarmed by the fact that Tesla has potentially hundreds of employees that are unnecessary, or that they think this is an appropriate way to clean house and get rid of them.

The reason we are in the mess we are in today is thinking that our resources are endless and letting corporations steal them. Don’t be a sucker. Don’t sell yourself out like that.

Everyone dies except Hawkeye. Then, in Part 2, he shoots the gauntlet off Thanos’ hand with a “gauntlet-remover arrow,” uses it to reincarnate everyone, and collectively they kick gauntlet-less Thanos’ ass.

Have there been more than a few action movies in the last 10 years that didn’t?

Sounds to me like he’s going to be struggling to walk the line between a New York accent and being Tom Hardy.

Bullcrap. Make it harder for yourself by playing with an eyepatch or not using medkits or something.

Ummm... is that Thanos...twerking???

No, there should be laws that you can’t collect information on people at all.

Sounds like you’re trying to equate “cunt” to the n-word. Let’s not do that.

“I had been drinking” isn’t an excuse for being a massive cunt. That word shouldn’t even be in your dictionary and telling people to kill themselves shouldn’t ever be a thought in your head. Just waiting for the bullshit apology before Valve drops him.

Infuriating but plausible.

At this point I don’t really care if anyone sees jail time over the Russia probe. But I want motherfuckers in front of a firing squad for this.

Wow. Didn’t keep the batmans for very long.

Face it: Without Del Toro’s involvement, the original Pacific Rim would have been another dopey FX spectacle with a bland lead — I honestly cannot tell Charlie Hunnam apart from Sam Worthington, Taylor Kitsch, or any of those other dudes who were so popular with casting directors 5-10 years ago. Del Toro gave the

“Denham said that she issued a demand for access to Cambridge Analytica on March 7th and that she was not satisfied with its response. She said that her office will formally request the warrant tomorrow, and she is seeking access to the computers and property of the firm.”

But he’s not yelling at clouds! Let’s hear him out.

I used to tie a Tamagotchi to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to buy a Tamagotchi cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of Bill Clinton on ‘em. “Gimme five Slick Willie’s for a quarter”, you’d say.