I’m sorry, but that’s on Nintendo to figure out. There has to be a way to do it while keeping the ability for cloud saves.
I’m sorry, but that’s on Nintendo to figure out. There has to be a way to do it while keeping the ability for cloud saves.
Simple solution: Force save on trades and get rid of client-side saves.
Nobody should be banned for exploits unless those exploits are actively hurting or taking advantage of other players.
I saw a video for this, and if someone wants to waste that much time jumping around then more power to them...
you know, to dovetail with your comment about going to church. a lot of these guys are opposing people coming from south America and africa, but want white western Europeans. yet they also want church-goers...you know who, generally is the more attendant church -goers? the people you morons are trying to kick out. its…
I’ve worked with people from Zimbabwe. I probably DO want their uncles here. Seriously, asshole, most of the Africans that come to this country work their everloving asses off, go to church, get educated, and raise great kids.
I would trade Zimbabwe the Donald, Don Jr., Eric, Ivanka, Jared, Pence, Mnuchin, and Jeff Sessions for some guys uncle.
These explainer articles are great, keep ‘em coming!
Bullcrap. Make it harder for yourself by playing with an eyepatch or not using medkits or something.
Sounds like you’re trying to equate “cunt” to the n-word. Let’s not do that.
“I had been drinking” isn’t an excuse for being a massive cunt. That word shouldn’t even be in your dictionary and telling people to kill themselves shouldn’t ever be a thought in your head. Just waiting for the bullshit apology before Valve drops him.
At this point I don’t really care if anyone sees jail time over the Russia probe. But I want motherfuckers in front of a firing squad for this.
Wow. Didn’t keep the batmans for very long.
But he’s not yelling at clouds! Let’s hear him out.
I used to tie a Tamagotchi to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to buy a Tamagotchi cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of Bill Clinton on ‘em. “Gimme five Slick Willie’s for a quarter”, you’d say.
It’s easy to say “It wasn’t their fault”, but Toys R Us has always charged higher than retail prices on a lot of premium toys. Go look at ANY lego set, and a set that’s $19.99 at Wal-Mart, Target, or ANY other retailer is $25 dollars at Toys R Us. An action figure that’s $9.99 at those places is $12 or $13 dollars at…
Young people with bad social skills and no filter suddenly being cast into the Internet’s limelight for the whole world to see... what could go wrong?
... uses latin for no reason then proceeds to call someone a showoff