Omega meat supreme

I’m sorry, but that’s on Nintendo to figure out. There has to be a way to do it while keeping the ability for cloud saves. 

Simple solution: Force save on trades and get rid of client-side saves.

Nobody should be banned for exploits unless those exploits are actively hurting or taking advantage of other players.

I saw a video for this, and if someone wants to waste that much time jumping around then more power to them...

The same country that just gave over a trillion dollar tax cut to wealthy people and corporations, but just cancelled annual cost of living adjustments for government employees.

Okay, everyone! Sharks are over now! No more sharks! It’s time we move on...

you know, to dovetail with your comment about going to church. a lot of these guys are opposing people coming from south America and africa, but want white western Europeans. yet they also want know who, generally is the more attendant church -goers? the people you morons are trying to kick out. its

I’ve worked with people from Zimbabwe. I probably DO want their uncles here. Seriously, asshole, most of the Africans that come to this country work their everloving asses off, go to church, get educated, and raise great kids. 

I would trade Zimbabwe the Donald, Don Jr., Eric, Ivanka, Jared, Pence, Mnuchin, and Jeff Sessions for some guys uncle.

And when the ban goes global, and you have to have a prescription to get them and pay $50 for a box of 25 from a medical supply store or pharmacy?

Now playing

Maybe just as well the didn’t marry. These kind of marriages never end well:

You’re looking at audience reviews. People have shitty taste in movies, but you don’t think it’s a little weird there are somehow nearly 7,000 Rotten reviews of this movie, approximately 70-80 percent of which appear to be five stars?

I mean, if you want to be mad at someone be mad at Dr Strange for seeing several possible futures and never warning Star-Lord that he was about to make this mistake.

These explainer articles are great, keep ‘em coming!

No one cares about Soros except the right who have been using him as code for decades to get around being anti-Semitic and just saying those dirty Kikes.

The thing is, she has said a LOT of terrible things over the years, but she never outright called a black person an ape... which is what she basically meant.

Entertainment and employement lawyers told Law & Crime that while Barr’s contract probably contained a “morality clause” requiring her to maintain an acceptable degree of public decorum, ABC could still be on the line to pay out talent and crew who signed on to the revival and the next season.

The downgrade is complete!

The downgrade is complete!

I agree this is definitely something society needs to get more comfortable talking about, but charging every UK citizen $14 for the privilege to honk it doesn’t really seem like the best way to go about that.