Omega meat supreme

It’s easy to say “It wasn’t their fault”, but Toys R Us has always charged higher than retail prices on a lot of premium toys. Go look at ANY lego set, and a set that’s $19.99 at Wal-Mart, Target, or ANY other retailer is $25 dollars at Toys R Us. An action figure that’s $9.99 at those places is $12 or $13 dollars at

Now if you can do the opposite and use AR to take a video of two people fighting in front of you (say outside a bar) and transform them into SF characters with a health bar on top that would be dope.

The one true gaming chair

Young people with bad social skills and no filter suddenly being cast into the Internet’s limelight for the whole world to see... what could go wrong?

the level of racist hatred there is alarming until you get used to it

Agree almost completely.

He’s too poor to own an island.

Truly he is the pleb.

Nic Cage is a clear a Zsasz.

The racists are having a really bad week. YEAH! First they find out they were duped, like the small minded individuals they are, by Russians to elect a puppet dictator for President. Then their poorly thought out and executed scheme, to once again use Twitter, to spark racial tension fails miserably. Best they

... uses latin for no reason then proceeds to call someone a showoff

Monster Hunter has now taken over for my “grind for loot” game. I don’t see myself ever going back to Destiny 2. Too little too late Destiny devs.

The key difference here is Capcom has refined MH over the years and created the ultimate version of it, as a game to be played by new and old players for possibly years to come. Destiny is a platform to sell microtransactions and expansion passes to make as much money as humanly possible in the shortest amount of time.

It was the most boring UFC I had ever watched. I also think ngannou needs a new condition coach. Obviously you’re gonna get tired but he was totally spent halfway through round 2.

“Do you remember back in the 90s, when high-definition TVs first started to become popular?”

The kids takeaway will be

Not to mention overpopulation but here is my Ein to deflect from a serious conversation. Just oogle the cuteness. I’m le tired.

Personally I am so glad I decided to never date again and marry my work bc most of my ex gfs wanted children and I am definitely not father material. Good on you for going so far for your child though. I’m sure he will use the costume every once and while.... hopefully..... for your sanity..... 

That thing is impressive. It could hold my laundry AND my mail.

“The families of victims on death row, we made them a promise and they’re being denied justice.”