
No one is denying that there is/was racism. But you are assuming the only reason why people fail is because of racism.

Dude you really are stupid aren’t you? Its not even funny how stupid you are...

That guy is stupid. He thinks he understand wrestling even though he only watches WWE. Yeah Titus O´Neil having equal ring skills to Orton is an absolute joke.

Do you not think before you type? Look at the guys you just mentioned!!

Dude stfu... You are just one of these sjw who thinks having diversity for the sake of diversity is a good thing. Nobody cares about diversity, you idiot! Be it in wrestling or anything else. People care about skill. People want someone who is charismatic and can talk and is great in the ring. Someone who looks like a

SJW: There has never been a black top guy! WWE hates diversity, they only care about white people!!! We want diversity!!!!!

Why do you exclude The Rock though? He is half samoan-half black. He is a multi-race, multi-cultural champion. He is the personification of diversity. You know diversity right? That thing you love? Oh wait you only care about black people, not actual diversity... Sorry I forgot you were a bunch of hypocrites.

Kofi is not world champion material. There were plenty of guys better than him who have never been world champions, at least not in the WWE:

I love that picture too. 5 incredibly talented wrestlers who were champions in the WWE. I would love it just as much if all of them were white, hispanic or asian.

How is WWE trying to appeal to a “whiter demographic”? The majority of wrestlers, not just in the US, but in the entire world, is white, followed by asians, followed by hispanics. Blacks come in fourth. the majority of black athletes choose basketball or football.

Who cares about diversity? When I’m watching New Japan, I don’t go “geez I think Okada and Tanahashi are great but I wish there were more white guys...” No! I don’t care if everybody is white, or if everybody is black or whatever. It only matters if they are good or not.

Titus a top guy? With what skills?

“Black success in wrestling has never been an issue of skill or talent”