
You and I seem to be on the same page as far as subject matter goes. Perhaps I wasn't able to put it as elequently as you. If I came across as overly critical of the article I apologize, I was merely trying to point out my frustration at situations such as you just described. Can we at least agree that the title,

I realize that that is why the article was written. there are thousands of articles that are written about the way women are portrayed in "entertainment" and every one of them are written for the right reasons. I was not trying to discredit Sonia's or anyones right to criticize the show at all. I was criticizing the

How often do women have 5 kids with their twin brother? How often do women walk into flames and walk out with dragons? Shall we keep comparing fiction to real life? If you actually read further then the first line of my comment you would have seen the part where I said I don't disagree with her. It was rape and done

How often do women have 5 kids with their twin brother? How often do women walk into flames and walk out with dragons? Shall we keep comparing fiction to real life? If you actually read further then the first line of my comment you would have seen the part where I said I don't disagree with her. It was rape and done

Where was your criticism when Theon Greyjoy was kidnapped, tortured, had the skin filleted off his fingers, castrated and having his severed penis sent to his father and sister? Not that I fully disagree with you, but maybe you should watch the episode again, at least for accuracy sake. You said, "the show takes it to