
No Kinja post has ever defined my father more than this one. Once he sets cruise control, that is it. It doesn’t really matter if you go over a state line and the speed limit changes or the road surface becomes better or worse. He is sticking to that cruise control unless there’s an emergency.

Right. It’s not marked well at all. Some forks have signs, but not nearly all. And the directions for people entering the path conflict with the directional arrows for people using the path.

There’s also Lititz near there, which I have heard more than one person pronounce “Le Tits.”

In my neighborhood, I think drivers want bicyclists to blow through stop signs so that they can do it too.

Belmont harbor was the worst because it wasn’t labelled and the lanes were different coming from the north than coming from the south. So that stretch was chaos and everyone was yelling at each other until like two weeks ago when they finally painted it appropriately. I no longer feel like I’m destined for a crash

There are way more runners on the bike path than bikers on the walk/run path. But as long as everyone’s saying “Your lane is over there, you fucking jerk”, I think we’re even.

it’s pretty standard for anyone who goes on the show to understand the strategy behind it.

There had been a few episodes where he got the daily double on the first or second clue, which kept him from basically putting games out of reach by the end of the first round. And there was an episode in his first or second week when he didn’t hit on any daily doubles.

She also wrote her master’s thesis about predicting the difficulty of Jeopardy questions. So she seems to know the game pretty well.

Right?? How do you go from The Huntsman: Winter’s War to this?

The sight of innocent pets staring down a rifle’s muzzle was one of the worst

I didn't even think about it. I actually think it's weird when a film or show has actors doing an accent of the language spoken during the real events. So I found it to be a breath of fresh air.

The movie is set a decade after the show.

1. Flashback to S1 when Catelyn asks Ned to not go to King’s Landing. and the implication is that the last seven seasons were a vision in Ned’s head of what would happen if he did go. He then says “Ok, I’ll stay.”

In my home one of the in-game games is guessing how much he’ll bet on a DJ daily double. I’m usually sticking with $9,812 and getting it right a lot.

He’s dominated a game where he didn’t find a single Daily Double.

Yes, I think a factor in beating him will be throwing off his timing. He’s even interrupting Alex to move onto the next clue. I think one of the contestants two weeks ago was going for that. She’d ask “Can I have [full category name] for... [$$], please?” Maybe she’s just a crazy polite person in her life, but slowing

I have talked about this hypothetical with a couple friends and we all agree that we’d rather get smoked by this buzzsaw than lose to some one-day wonder.

I like that all of these people are on the show and it’s pointed out days later because no one recognizes them in the moment. And yet Benioff’s wife has apparently pleaded to be on the show and, as far as I know, hasn’t been (yet).