
and from 2015...

So muslims from the other 35 muslim countries not listed cant come in eithe Matt...Quality reporting as always...What about muslims from Canada- Can they come in?

Exactly! And its been mentioned many times on Gizmodo but they refuse to accurately state the facts as they need the shock value for clickbait. I don’t think intelligent people come here for their news thankfully. The professional journalists work for other reputable news sites.

PETA=People Eating Tasty Animals...

Every middle east country burns effigies of American presidents...Just not for the reasons you’re thinking. Give it time and you will hear the “Death to America” and call is the great satan again soon...It’s because we are not a muslim country yet, not for our domestic policies...

“Contrary to earlier reports, guests weren’t trapped inside their rooms, which is probably a move that the hackers are currently figuring out how to pull off.”

Meh, its only one student and post-doc’s are a dime a dozen...Go to just about any other university and find another one...problem solved.

Obama departing with his wife to Palm Springs- Why does he need an entire 747 for that trip? I don’t here you bitching about that...

So you’re against banning Sharia law?

Wow- You are way misinformed...Have you looked at the GS payscale for the industry sectors? IT positions in the government average about the GS-7-GS 9 level...That’s 35K-42K. They do get a local pay if they are in an expensive area, but most of the jobs in the federal government actually fall below the industry

Funny you mentioned that- My division (A federal agency) just had to hire 2 full-time positions just to meet the FOIA request requirements...They’re called FOIA officers now and that’s all they due- We get a LOT of FOIA requests...

Happy Veterans Day all!

Happy Veterans Day everyone!