
For everyone complaining, you guys must not have stuck at 75 inch TV in your bedroom...

Kotaku is just liberal propaganda with a video game coating. 

It's so odd that people want to champion something fake and forced like it has any value. 

Artists can create whatever they want. Liberals are so entitled to demand EVERYTHING they want. Fuck em all. 

The liberals crying about not getting their way in blacks . yall are the the losers.

Funny, I only see liberals crying that their "PC World" still hasn't and never will be realized

Another trash kotaku “journalist” fails to spread their virtue signaling. What a loser, 😂

Because modern video gaming wouldn’t exist without steam. They deserve EVERYTHING

Imagine being an animator on this working through the mad crunch and expectations just to have the game review bombed because someone didn't get paid enough for a job they rejected 🙄

Absolutely on point comment!

Easy, you should stop trolling and defending trash like this.

Fuck you all for deleting all my comments for no fucking reason!

They gave me a hard time, but I found my rolls were more effective when I don’t lock on target them. The lock on kind of centers you towards their attacks

Yeah, but what about the clickbait clutter that will (and has for such a long time) saturate youtube and other media services?

I bet these are the same people that are pissed about trying to resell gpus after heavy mining. Absolute narcissism. 

Huh? Amd cards generally have more memory for a lower price... 

Oooo I do like the idea of making a list of pure geniuses that every should learn from. Great idea! 

I’ll defend it, because there's no way I'm not doing this every chance I get

They were talking to me, and they're right I'm totally doing this!

That’s a straight basic Twitter template strawman