
Just this: I installed iOS 7 last week and I can't get iTunes Radio to play more than a few songs without skipping or crashing altogether. And that's on wifi in my house, next to the (Apple Airport Extreme) router, not driving about on 4G.
Your mileage my vary.

I saw a guy in Seattle doing this once, just scraping along in an 80s Monte Carlo. No rubber on the passenger side. I called SPD and they told me that their 911 line was for emergencies only. Hmph.

You're probably right.

Let's hope the owners don't inherit Prius driving habits.

I sounds like some BS machismo - "We don't need to be part of some trendy zero-emissions scene." I was surprised when I had first read about this non-feature of the car.
For the uber-rich that can afford this car, who live in expensive European cities that are beginning to ban non-EVs in city centers, this would seem

Yes, but were they breathing? (Obligatory creepy response of the day)

Third-gen, not so much. The rear cargo area was incredibly small. My buddies and I were backpacking and caught a ride with an older couple that had one. Our three internal frame packs barely fit back there! What a waste! (Also, oval stereo faceplate? WTH?)

I've got an N/A 745. Same thing: swallows a week or more worth of gear, and I can accommodate 4 bikes on the roof.

My first thought: Really? Dive into the #MoparMonday chats every once in a while on Twitter, and you'll see people clamoring for an SRT Ram of some sort. Secondly, let's say Chrysler (I'm not sure if they do, but most car companies do) takes input from the dealer level about what customers want. Since Chrysler has

Robert Loggia's Merc 6.9 in "Lost Highway" did some bad things...

Thanks tromoly. I was following him on SPOT until the signal konked out. It definitely made me think of McCoy. Later learned his SPOT batteries had simply run out. It was a tense few hours until I learned that he safely crossed the finish line!

Proud to have caught Dust to Glory in the theater the one night it was screened here in Seattle. So amazing. My brother has since raced it a few times so I go back and watch it each year. (He was the 2nd moto soloist to cross the finish line last year)

That a weird way to resolve that D-pillar and window shape. Otherwise, it's a winner in my book.

My brother and I watched this as a kid on cable TV about 25 years ago. We enjoyed every terrifying minute. We decided to record it on the VCR the next time it aired. Somehow the audio track wasn't captured, though. No matter - we just made car and truck noises. Did not miss a thing.

I clicked on the link for that vehicle as well. Pics are hosted on and man there is some interesting language over there. For the introduction of the Toyota Mega Cruiser:

Ha! I can't believe anyone thought this, too! Awesome.

EXACTLY. How any self-respecting Jalop can invoke the movie title "Gone in 60 Seconds" and somehow acknowledge there was a second one is just a skosh more offensive than Matt Hardigree giving airtime to a second Blues Brothers movie. I recall a rant on SNL in the 90s - I think it was David Spade, maybe Dennis Miller -

Damn, that's a helluva lot better looking that I thought. I hope the rear touch screen makes the cut for production. While I am not a customer necessarily, I like the idea of entertainment for the rear passengers in the rear console, not in folding down from the ceiling.

I imagine it will also look incredible in a

I had to loop that 6-7 sec of the video. Good god.

I just put my car into storage and don't know when I'll put her back on the road. As it is my cranky ol' non-driving lifestyle meant I was only putting 8,000 miles on my car a year anyhow.
Don't get me wrong - I love cars and car culture, but I'd rather read any one of the several car mags I get, and browse Jalopnik