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No offense to this game, which looks neat, but the true successor to Advance Wars is the magnificent War Groove, which I’m guessing Luke hasn’t played (shame!). It is an absolute must play for any AW fan, hell any strategy fan. It is an unabashed homage to AW right down to the gorgeous and colorful characters, though

Pfft.  OK, boomer.

*Sigh* You are an informed adult with real, researched concerns. Therefore, this, the Animal Crossing thing, these are not geared towards you. They’re geared to kid, teens, yoots, young adults who have not thought about politics before, or maybe don’t feel like that stuff outreaches to them. The people who can’t yet

Stay mad, luddites. 

Look, execs are often clueless, but I totally get why they wouldn’t be sold on the idea of Alien: Isolation based on a 5 page document, especially with the epic clusterfuck that was Colonial Marines being the most recent title in that franchise (and the films not doing much to engender much optimism either).

That’s unfair. They weren’t shown the final product from the word go, they were presented with just a 5-page document describing what they would be wanting to do with it. Maybe their “Vision Document” wasn’t able to properly express the game’s eventual quality, and the then-recent disaster with Colonial Marines made

The correct take. Colonial Marines on paper sounds great and even had the backing of accomplished developer Gearbox Software.

Given the disaster of Colonial Marines still being quite fresh at the time Isolation was being pitched, it’s not all that surprising there would be some trepidation in returning to the IP.  Glad it worked out in the end though, Isolation is top notch.

Is a slow turn and a thumbs-up some universal fourth wall breaking gesture?

See, Yoshida, no matter what you do there WILL still be people in America writing novels about dumb shit in your game’s first trailer.

While I appreciate them not showing just a mysterious CG teaser and using in-game footage instead, and I think the core premise is interesting enough, I think the bland visual design of the characters and environments is really tempering my expectations, and not in the way they were hoping for. I’m certainly not one

Yeah. Kotaku writers need to load this site without an adblock before making any comments how any other service does ads.. Or whether it fucking sucks or not.

Speaker as a Sake Brewer, I get hangovers all the time from drinking too much sake. Considering sake ABV ranges from 16% to 21% , it can hit hard if one is not careful when drinking it. Especially since sake can go down like water.

If you’re ever in New York City, come visit my sake brewery - Kato Sake Works:

The only XBox One that matters:

Reason number 256034 I won’t be buying an Xbox:

Are you from the future? :o

That crap about her having a boyfriend is the kind of thing I hear from the Japanese Idol industry.

I mean I’m Asian American Lol.

I mean I see this from two perspectives.