
The vast amount of porn and fanfic of these characters disagree with you.

People want PvE because they want more story scenarios featuring these characters that aren’t vague nonsense hinted at by trailers.  It’s a big reason why people got so upset about Overwatch 2.0

The headline says “best” not “most popular”.

If you’re not buying your kids the battlepass do you even really love them?

I completely agree with that sentiment. That said, if he owns the product he has as much right as any vendor being there. 

Well, if they’re employees of a company selling his product their job is, in a sense, help this guy (and many other corporations) make money. So, if they’re at work, then no, they very much don’t have anything better to do other than help him (and millions of other people) make money. 

I’m all for hating on YouTubers but this is common in Wal-Mart and other grocery stores. Vendors (which he likely can sell himself as as he owns the product) are authorized to go back and help to find their merch and pull it to sell. I used to do that all the time for multiple merchandising companies.

Helping people stock shelves, i.e. finding it and putting it out for them, is not “forcing” anyone to do anything. It is the exact opposite, i.e. doing their work for them so they aren’t compelled to do so because of their job.

Kotaku at it’s finest, finding issues where the are none.

I love these games and the recent RPG turn, but the New Game+ price gating is some nasty shit that makes me not want to buy it on principle. 

The plot is your typical ignorable mess, which is simultaneously typical in broad strokes, while the details are impenetrable without outside media (I’m not gonna watch anime to play the game).

Oooof no. That was an unmitigated disaster in storytelling. If you can get past the fact that half of the dialogue is in grunts and emotes, you’re treated to layer cake of tropes and a formulaic bromance with nothing interesting to say, nor any way to say that nothing interestingly (and the VO is terrible to boot). If

I never beat XV until I played the Royal Edition on PS Plus, so I was able to look up a guide on the right order to play everything. I never had to experience the game in incomplete pieces.

I disagree on the principle that I didn’t even fully understand the plot and what was happening until years later when I got the big fancy FFXV special edition book that explains all of it. Almost every time a major plot beat happened I *thought* I understood it, until I didn’t because they barely explained anything. I

I think I watched the Kingsglaive anime and the shorts before playing when it came out. The game was a hot mess and the story made no sense. Everyone now says its great because of all the patches and DLC but I refuse to play it because seriously to hell with Square for screwing me out of £60 for an incomprehensible

More like Worst Final Fantasy in its entire series run. FF13 at least had a good story if even if its gameplay kinda sucked. FF15 was shallow in both gameplay and story.

Re-reading Kotaku’s review of the game- outlining how terrible it supposedly is, and the long debates around it in the comments section is hilarious in light of the fact that the game is actually well liked and apparently a lot of fun- is pretty hilarious these days. Kotaku’s obsession with messaging over actually

Most critics who reviewed the game in good faith gave it a decent score. We get it you wanted the game to fail

I really liked it, it was fun and very pretty, and it was clearly made with love for the source material and franchise. As someone that grew up with the books, and then the movies as they came out, it was a fun open-world romp for about 40-50 hours, I got my money’s worth. 

It may not have been VERY good, but it was PRETTY good, controversy aside.