It’s ok. He’s sleeping with the fishes so Tahm Kench can bring him back any time.
It’s ok. He’s sleeping with the fishes so Tahm Kench can bring him back any time.
i bet you wrote that comment with both hands too
I definitely didn't click on this article because the redhead in the header image piqued my interest.
No, we should not say "Yay, props to them!", or "Good work, Sony!", or "thank you!". They've just made it how it should've been from the start. It's good. "Good" is a OK reaction Xd
Yet when Microsoft do the same, it is seen in a negative "they are only covering their backs" kind of way...
Any time the consumer wins, we all win.
yikes! 360p? you my friend, are very easy to please.
Wow, you seriously believe every PC gamer is like that? No, they aren't. In fact it's likely the exact opposite.
I am pretty sure that about a month or so ago there was a post (I saw it as a disguised advertisement) on Gizmodo or Lifehacker spouting the greatness of Paypal and how everyone should use it. Now you want people not to use it? Make up your minds and when you do please have it be for the consumer and not for the…