I follow up with, “I’m at work, with sound, and still don’t want to watch a video.”
I follow up with, “I’m at work, with sound, and still don’t want to watch a video.”
Welcome to 2020, the year the Onion became mainstream media.
I would 100% read a “Torch Gone Wild” Jalopnik vertical.
Unfortunately, it’s true applying to both educated and non-educated. I recently came across someone who claimed to be “educated” and persistently say that they know the subject. But a quick google search shows experts in the field and many sources proving this person is completely wrong in all aspects, yet they still…
The oxygen deprived by occasional mask wearing (for out of the house use) will not degrade your physical fitness as much as sitting around bing watching shows and mixing in cookies and ice cream.
I’m a doctor.
You listened to Morning Edition too? ;)
It probably will be for some.
I freaking hate stupid. There is so damn much of it around these days - and worse? They’re proud to be dumbasses. Proud. I wish it were fatal.
The pursuit of ever-greater wealth can easily become a disease for some people such that no one and nothing matters except making more money. Moroun is hardly the only, or worst, example.
Yep! About the same price too (a little more expensive if I recall) but trucks can’t go through. Also not as cool because you can’t see anything, unless you have a loud car in which case it's awesome.
One reason I cross at Sarnia.
Moroun spent the ‘90s buying up cheap riverfront properties on both sides of the border with the stated intention of building a second span
Drove over the Ambassador Bridge from Canada this past year to visit the US and I can attest that bridge is a piece of crap. I remember the satire news here in Canada essentially giving the finger to Mouran when the Gordie Howe bridge was announced. Essentially, it was done by us because it was the US not budging…
That seems to be a typo. If you look at the linked article, it states the size of the loan was $30 Million.
While the family sucks and the bridge is in terrible disrepair, the Detroit Free Press Marathon that crosses over the bridge into Canada and back through the tunnel into the US is one of the most fun races that I’ve ever done.
As a Michigander, the only use for Mouran to have a big funeral is to make sure he’s in the casket when they bury it.
Well, there was this. Not much, but it got the MAGAts into a tizzy.
President thumb seems to be struggling lately.
After observing Mr. Donald Trump as a public figure for the past 40+ years, I’m starting to suspect he is a jackass.