Houses of worship can reopen when movie theatres reopen. They’re both large rooms that can be potentially filled with people who are mostly sitting for a lengthy period of time.
Houses of worship can reopen when movie theatres reopen. They’re both large rooms that can be potentially filled with people who are mostly sitting for a lengthy period of time.
I mean, we’re talking about OAN, here, the “station” that makes Fox News look like Mother Jones.
I live in Michigan. I couldn’t vote because my mom was in the hospital/I had a court date out of town. I hope all the assclowns in my ex’s family who voted for him because of HER EMAILS and because “Hillary wants to KiLl BaBiEs” are fucking happy.
I can’t believe this isn’t getting more attention:
Could we please refer to the One America Network by its proper initials from here on out? It’s “OnAN.”
That OAN reported in particular is extremely flexible. How else does she get her head so far up her own ass!
You just know they are Mr and Mrs Black, and consider themselves very clever.
In truth, such a stand would generate a TwitStorm, various dropped government contracts and a conveniently arranged no pay on the outstanding ones. All for a company on the ropes even before the COVID-19 shutd0wn. It isn’t as easy a call as you’d first think.
“Objection, assumes facts not in evidence.”
does he really believe he can win the state with just the militia/#covidhoax crowd?
I don’t really get it. Is Trump trying to lose Michigan, or does he really believe he can win the state with just the militia/#covidhoax crowd?
The Michigan Attorney General apparently sent a warning to Ford. It really should not be on the workers to enforce the law; the AG should directly sanction those who contravene the law.
You realize that the mask doesn’t really do anything other than prevent you from touching your own face, right. Unless it is one of those heavy duty masks, they do practically nothing.
I got a haircut the other day with a facemask on and in comes another customer who lowered his mask every time he talked to somebody. This shit infuriated me. He also didn’t cover his nose with his mask. Fucking idiots.
It does a little bit more than that in close quarters. My understanding is that it does little (unless it’s a fully N95 mask with a face-guard) to protect the person wearing it. If an infected droplet from someone’s cough gets on your cloth mask, you’ll still inhale the pathogen as you’re pulling enough air to…
...joggers who have the mask on their chin until they see you and then pull it up...
“Live Free and as a consequence, Die.”