
As a transwoman I have to deal with all of the same fears that you do. I also have to deal with the fear of women like you excluding me instead of fighting for all women. I’m genuinely sorry about the sexism we both face, but I hope you are able to keep it from letting you show compassion for all women and feminine

Hopkins doesn’t use “he” as a pronoun. You shouldn’t either. I have no idea whether they’re bisexual, pansexual, likes to sleep with women but don’t consider themselves straight because they don’t identify as a man, or something else.

Someone put a giant pussyhat on the Troll :) He’s never looked better

but will he sing a dance?

which is remarkably funny, because melania totally aped the first lady’s speech, in heels.

I saw this elsewhere and I thought it was a good point, and wanted to paraphrase and expand.
