Velvet Von Black

Actually someone did comment on the gothamist article, they said that no one knew what happened. The cops came in looking for bags and everyone thought the cops were looking for drugs. So they had no idea until later that it was because someone died by jumping.

This is what I’m worried about. There’s a chance I might be able to get chicken pox still and I’m terrified that the neighbors maybe haven’t immunized their kids, but it still feels rude to ask. (Yes, there's a vaccine, no, I'm not going into my medical history.)

My dad kicked cancer’s ass last year, but while he was having chemo and radiation, I was fucking terrified when he took public transportation. I was so worried that some unvaccinated kid would infect him with something preventable that would kill him. How selfish and cruel of people to put others’ lives at risk

My first thought too!

The reason that people in developing countries jump at the chance at vaccinating their kids is because they either know someone who has or have buried their own children due to illnesses. They know that child death can happen to them. They know that should their children end up with a disease-related disability, any

This is also why the editorial staff gets no support from readers when they’re battling with the business half, because they’ve repeatedly proven themselves to be tone-deaf at best, and it seems like a good idea to have someone saving them from themselves. In other cases, you’d imagine that content-creators taking a

I mean, the title definitely implies that people watched her jump and then carried on carelessly with their partying, while the article makes it pretty clear that these people had no idea it had happened.

I had to read this twice, because this story is so horrifying and handled with an amazing lack of sensitivity.

I enjoy my false outrage as much as the next person, but do you really think these people stood idly by as someone killed themselves or were they simply unaware of what was going on until it was too late?

Not everyone living in the Hasidic community, though, feels personal and spiritual fulfilment. When growing up in the Belz Hasidic communities of Williamsburg and Boro Park, Brooklyn, Faigy Mayer felt there was more to life than becoming a good Hasidic wife. Faigy has decided to leave the Hasidic community to pursue a

Eh. I’d like to be able to say that I’ve never eaten Guacamole with my hands before but, well, here we are.

Hey, if I’m paying 95 dollars for a Guacamole platter, that shit’s getting finished even if it’s me jumping.

As a tall person, the thought of drinking, possibly in heels, near a barrier that is only 4 feet tall before leading to a 20-story drop is nauseating. I could fucking trip over that by accident!

I really, really want to have a drunk conversation with the wine-stealing dolly hobo.

That story is so baffling in so many ways I’m not sure how I could have not printed it.

I’d like to think that there is a BCO-worthy story of what went on backstage in that Pizza Hut that caused diners to wait over an hour for their pizzas. Sinkholes in the kitchen floor, tweaked-out line cooks wielding cleavers, dragons nesting in the mozzarella tub? I wanna know.

These really are all WTF territory, but that last one brought me joy. I’m still trying to figure out how the food blew out the door and they just decided oh well they’re not getting food...

Today is supposed to be the day that I go back to eating normal sized portions of vegetables, lean meats, and less crap in general.

She wrote some kind of article at least. Hamilton Nolan is notorious for posting a headline and a hyperlink to another website. How Nick Denton thinks that is good for advertising income, I have no idea. Of course, I hardly write any replies because, being grey everywhere, I suspect no one ever sees what I type.

Lol, yeah. And I admit to using your post as a jump point for a bit of a PSA. People are getting banned (which I personally think is also way harsh) but I think maybe forgetting the actual dynamics of blogging here. Easy to do on the internet! But if you consider how high the levels of frustration must be, trying to