I’m not great at it, but nailing the perfect one just puts the biggest, dumbest grin on my face.
I’m not great at it, but nailing the perfect one just puts the biggest, dumbest grin on my face.
Hi, I’m Jimmy from Jimmy’s Manure Delivery. All of our vehicles are Dodge Journeys, because they’re crap before we even load anything in them.
In the end General Motors actually gets promoted to President of All Cars, just like Captain Bankruptcy is now President of All Business!
Dishonorable Discharge Motors
Forrest Gump could run fast. That didn’t make him smart enough to be the coach.
Check out some pictures of his Dad.
Think, Don Jr. and Eric.
I must regretfully inform you that there is a Donald Trump Jr.
Turns out sperm aren’t smart, they just flail wildly.
The whole family is genetically worthless.
When the inevitable stroke or aneurysm happens?
Create a Jaguar F1 racing team
What would you bass that opinion on?
The air pump system is pretty easy to explain. A lot of people think it just dilutes the emissions, but that’s not quite right.
I want to get the Morgan Freeman
Ahhhhh ... the lovely Morgan Fairchild. If they named a model Morgan Fairchild I would have to own one.
Lots of plastic in that model though
Or spend an hour trying to squeeze out a few drops past the ole prostate.