Velvet Elvis

Don’t we all. A really good one not only clears the head, but gives you significant time for quiet reflection and deliberation (that is, between contractions). I do some of my best thinking while stinking™.

Like a boss

They did shoot some stuff at Le Mans.
It was a bit annoying, they closed my street for a while.

But yeah definitely not all of it was shot there, as we sure as shit didn’t close the track for a movie (a pretty significant part of the track is public, very used roads ^^)

This is a must

Is it the “E Colt”, or "BoltColt"? Or maybe the "Electrified @$s"?

Mustang: Pikachu Edition

Quattro-dubs! Gonna be the next hot trend in wheels! Gonna need some 5-series tires, 225/5-42.

Isn’t the old saying “those that don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”

I thought there was another name for the Edsel grille 

BMW: The only thing better than one horse collar grille, is TWO of them!

 It's Trump's latest Cabinet appointment. 

Thanks for near-coffee-spit-take.

It has my vote as soon as it does!

I was going to mention that is a non-standard shift pattern P-N-H-L-R. Had no idea anyone ever made that! 

Except, you know, there aren’t all those flapping dicks. Kind of a defining characteristic. But otherwise...

If the car was red, would it be Cabriolet Sauvignon? 

Gotta wonder...

threesome in russia means completely different thing :)

Yes, I know, but Nash was an American company, and it was a captive import for Nash. That’s close enough.

Volare, oh oh
E cantare, oh oh oh oh
Nel blu, dipinto di blu
E che dici di stare lassù
E volavo, volavo felice più in alto del sole ed ancora più su
Mentre il mondo pian piano spariva lontano laggiù
Una musica dolce suonava soltanto per me

I knew a conversation about drive thru’s would only last so long before someone mentioned that chickfila has the best one in town. I also knew it would take even less time before someone responded with “But muh LGTBQAIXYZ rights tho” like its got a fucking thing to do with the discussion at hand.