Velvet Elvis

Yes. In one notable case, we hired Aaron Gordon after meeting him at Dairy Queen in Elizabeth, New Jersey, and watching him peel out of the parking lot in his ‘84 Trans Am. “This baby’s gonna be rad as fuck when I get the headers on it,” he said. We knew it would be a great fit.

EM leaked another internal memo that stated Tesla is so advanced it is already caught up for the next 50 years and it will take all the other manufacturers a 1000 years to reach its level.


Well you sure as hell don’t want to have all that power right behind you, so close to your delicate orifice.

Is this insinuating that socialists prefer their cocks in the back? If so, a sorta cliche joke but very deftly made lol.

With pushrods!!!

Take your star you velvety bastard.

The AMG GT looks by far the most phallic shaped of any car I can think of. 

I'm no expert, not having one myself, but I could have sworn a cock is propelled by a push, not a pull. So isn't it rear engined?

If your cock is so short that your balls are in front, then a sports car or bug lifted tuck is exactly what you need. As for me, I have been parking my cock in the same woman’s garage every night for over 14 years.  Clearly, my ownership of a Corvette has nothing to do with compensation.  It's one thing to please a

My fellow boomers can be such whiney asshats at times.

That couple looks really young to already have a 5-year old kid. 

Dawn French may be the Vicar of Dibley, but this dude is The Vicar of Scribley!

Nah. He’s utterly incapable of being even tangentially involved with any company that’s not named after him.

Why did I have to scroll so far down to find this?

Say what you want about our obesity problem, we also have the elite athletes to balance out the scales. Well, not completely balanced, but close.

Definitely. It reminded me immediately of the Thomassina, even the color is similar to that of the Thomassina III (more specifically, the Hot Wheels version of it).

DeThomassina? I approve.

That’s my question, I see a license plate so I assume this thing at least at some point was road legal. Surely most states would have an emissions bypass for classic cars assuming that the rest of this would pass basic tech inspection for safety items e.g. brakes, headlights, etc.  At 1000 buckaroos this really

They should take hart, with hind-sight this could have been avoided.