Velvet Elvis

It seems that Hyundai has had difficulties with external combustion engines as of late.

Formerly = previously.  Formally = within protocol or procedure. 

Mars also owns the late Uncle Ben’s brand and they never put his smiling face on a car.

The speedo needle seems to be excited, too.

“Your Car Is Not A Submarine” week.

And in other, related news:

But Horner said nothing about Checo Perez...

Auto enthusiasts come in all flavors. If someone’s pride and joy and is not to your liking, then STFU.

Looks very similar to a British product called Waxoyl. I’ve used that and it works well.

Our company, too. We have a shop that machines parts for assembling process valves to actuators and it’s normally a one off each time. Our machinist is nearly 72 and does beautiful work. We can’t find a machinist that wants  - or is capable - of running this equipment.

I hope you’re able to get out and see more of the nation than just New York.

Gumball TrackGripper.

Road Atlanta is one of my favorite racing venues. It’s nice to wander the infield and see the on-track action from several different vantage points.

Program dat azz so I can send scrolling-matrix messages to cars behind me.

It makes me so happy that you found the car content in this post!

GM also engineered the “Dustbuster” van front doors, too. The effort was less thought out in that it was easy to bang your head against the rearward curve of the door as you opened it. GM’s solution? Put a warning label - - on the inner edge of the door.

*sitting in the full-lotus position: “Ohm”

I always thought AMC steering wheels of the period looked like they were  installed upside down.

It’s 40 miles away from me and I’ve got zero time to go look at it but I think it’s a helluva deal. 

Suddenly out of nowhere: ka-PAO!