
She used some kind of injectable chemical tanner. I remember watching a video about her before she went “full black” (no words) where she and her messed up boyfriend talked about it.

The production studios...although to be clear, afaik, anime is not a huge money maker, per se. Licensing probably accounts for a good chunk of money, but being a cog in the machine that makes the anime is not great. Look at the history of animation in America and you’ll see that it started that way (though nothing

I know a lot of people are angry about this, and as someone who enjoys modding his single player games, this is certainly upseting news. However, the community needs to realize that the amount of hacks and cheating happening in GTA: Online on PC is RAMPANT.

whatever. She still won the popular slope.

Nah. That’s not Trump’s move. He’s going to fire Sessions.

It looks like they’re utilizing a “ledge pull” system for getting around, similar to the grappling hook from Arkham (except with less Man-Bat scares). Note how normally when you do that, Spidey just perches on the ledge; I bet you have to press X to fling yourself. Sunset Overdrive used a similar (but less extreme)

A show with the goal of getting people to hook-up is cancelled when two people on said show hook-up. Um, what?

It *was* a reveal trailer more than a ‘here’s everything the game does’ trailer. The point of an E3 trailer is to make you ask questions and wonder, i.e. ‘generate buzz.’ We will see more and get answers in the coming days, but I’m telling you from experience that expecting the worst right out of the gate will ensure

Meh, to much presenting  what I can do not why I should care? Seems generic to me, which is dissapointing from BioWare.

Bland and beautiful, it’ll sell a billion copies.

“During the footage, we saw the main character jet around on his suit”

Okay, seriously, this is a Bioware game?

Looks amazing. The faux playing with your buddies dialogue in these videos is always so embarrassing though.

I’m not sure if you can grab the ABC 7 live feed, but that’s the one I was watching... They had a much more zoomed-in camera on dude getting shot before cutting their feed. But the guy definitely took a gun out the bag and appeared to shoot at the cop that shot back at him.

Had been looking forward to a new Giant Sparrow title for a long time. Edith Finch didn’t disappoint. I thought the game pushed the boundaries of how we experience storytelling in video games. The joy and then agony of Gregory in the bathtub... arghhh.

Or companies just want to reward him for doing the right things. To encourage other people to do the right thing in the future. It happens.

As an IT guy we routinely have users doing really stupid things, like clicking on phishing scams or ransom-ware, or even accidentally deleting a massive amount of files, etc. The

I like the cut of your jib.

I’m looking forward to seeing reviews on Prey. I watched the first 20 minutes or so and it looked very sharp. Not quite preorder-worthy but close.