I actually have vitiligo and it was late onset. Hit me at 40. My brother has it too. Also late onset. If it had arrived 20 years earlier i might have been upset, but my priorities are all different now.
I actually have vitiligo and it was late onset. Hit me at 40. My brother has it too. Also late onset. If it had arrived 20 years earlier i might have been upset, but my priorities are all different now.
I totally agree that good people doing good things should be rewarded and encouraged, but in the article, it was clear that the guy debated whether he should leak it into the wild or not for a little while, before doing the right thing. And I suspect that the company rewarded him the way they might anyone who did them…
Is it possible to copy that Gold Master? My suspicion is that he copied it before he sent it back to Blizzard, as insurance. In case one day he felt like releasing it. Blizzard thanked him in a very mild way, and then started thinking about this. They realized that he might have done this too, and they’d have no way…
Lotta suicide in that trailer. So, is the idea that they can kill themselves, then regenerate somewhere else? Is it a form of escape from the cops? They would be the ultimate assassin then. They’d almost be like suicide bombers. If you don’t have to worry about dying - then you could go somewhere, kill someone and not…
The worst thing will be when people start accusing Notaro of plagiarizing Louis CK.
I only play SP, so I am okay with this. Enjoyed the Titanfall 2 campaign.
Oh god. He must be concussed from hitting his face on the armrest. After a concussion, you are confused and delerious sometimes for hours. Ask any MMA fighter.
That would be obstruction and a felony and you would be arrested yourself.
So, I’ve never watched this show. But I’m curious about it. But I have kind of a weird question: how much rape is in this show? I’m squeamish about that. I heard that Game of Thrones is pretty rapetastic so I’ve steered clear of that. For some reason, people being killed off doesn’t bother me, but prolonged scenes of…
The letter was probably sent by someone who asked one of these girls out and was turned down.
When I got to
I’ve taken photos of people having sex before and actually, the last thing you radiate is discomfort. You’re just so focussed on getting the right shot, getting the lighting right, having things in focus, especially if things are moving. I found that the only discomfort I experienced was from the smells.
So where can I buy every congress member’s porn searches to blackmail them into changing this law back?
I don’t know if anyone here watches Agents of SHIELD, but Brandon Keener, who voices Garrus was on an episode early this season. Here is a clip of him interrogating one of the agents:
My suspicion is that Superman will be the target of the big bad somehow. Will be used as a power source somehow. And that the JL in stopping big bad, means rescuing superman. So he’ll be back at the end of the film, but maybe just at the very end. Maybe supes will get like, a scene where he opens his eyes. That’s it.
Would you be cool with someone who was half-asian and half-white? Hollywood is very fond of that mix. I suspect they feel that it would make that actor more “easy to relate to” for a largely white audience.
For me, they look like those Realdolls that people use for sex.
“Colin Was Right?” Well, now Colin IS Right...Wing, that is. Ba-dum-pshh.
You keep doing what you’ve done and you’ll get the same results. I don’t blame Italy for trying something new that ISN’T ILLEGAL. In any other field on earth that would be called INNOVATION. Thinking outside the box. It should be applauded.
God. Look at that smile. I don’t think he’s smiled like that in eight years either. Watching Obama on vacation is like getting those photos from your garden gnome on his tour of the world. He’s out there while we’re stuck here. But he really deserves it. GOBAMA GOBAMA GOBAMA! The finest president of my lifetime.