Velvet Al

Either they didn't get the joke or were scared of what title Matt and Trey would come up with next.

That movie's never seen you either.

I remember a story on one of the entertainment news program that the producers of Showgirls were going to attempt to salvage the film by putting it on the midnight movie circuit and encouraging people to treat it like Rocky Horror.

Showgirls predicted the Iraq War but with strippers?

If I had to choose a moment in life in which I was emotionally scarred beyond repair, it was hearing my mom say "What the hell happened to Jesse Spano's nipples?" during that scene.

There's already been a female Men In Black:

I read all celebrity quotes in the voice of Kathleen Turner. Except Kathleen Turner quotes. Those I read in the voice of Marlee Matlin

I doubt even Steven Tyler remembers that album.

I read it that way at first and wondered why jokes would need to be run past Al Franken before they hit the air.

Trump once went to a Free Pussy Riot rally then sued for false advertising.

Did you teach your parents not to post nude photos of themselves on the Internet? Sometimes our parents are reckless and don't think about the repercussions.

On the one hand, I feel a reveal like that would be a bit of a cheat. If he's fixing events that have been tampered with, Flynn would directly or indirectly interact with the tamperers. We haven't seen any evidence of that yet.

Thanks, I couldn't remember what it was called.

There's a film I once saw on one of the free Roku horror channels that was made by different people animating scenes from NotLD in different styles, using the actual dialogue and music from the film. There were some amazing moments, with really creepy animation. Unfortunately, some scenes are just terrible, using CG

I, for one, am glad. I can't stand that the Peanuts theme is linked with MetLife. While watching The Peanuts Movie, I kept getting the urge to buy insurance.

Fifth X-Men movie would be Days Of Future Past. And Wolverine had a cameo in First Class. So Vajayjay Leno's statement is correct.

I enjoy the show more than I thought I would after the pilot. I think it might've been better served if it were just a show in the vein of Lethal Weapon, rather than actually being based on Lethal Weapon. Also, get rid of all those shots where Riggs stares wistfully as he reminisces about his dead wife. The strained

I wouldn't necessarily say better, but the second and third episodes were definitely more entertaining. If you're in the mood for dumb action and corny one liners, you could do a lot worse than this show.

In all fairness, the character was called The Batman when he first debuted.

Because they were actually on Netflix at the time, just not listed under that category.