
She's great and deserves to be paid the most of anyone on the show. Hell, she should be a multiple Emmy award winner for the show.

Lol, punk is dead and there is not a single good thing about Trump being president.

Why replace one bad show with another bad show?

Getting a season two was more than it deserved given the ratings.

So was Shameless and it got double the audience Vinyl did.

And here I thought it was just because of Arby's loaded curly fries.

Liza was trying to explain why she went to the house the reporter was in, so she acted like she expected to find the previous residents there.

Are they interested in making a good show?

Well, about that…..

I did nearly the same thing as you. I hated the first season and gave up on it, jumped back in now and found that it has steadily improved over the rest of its run.

I wish I could still love this show, but the whole "We're opening a school" plot is just so goddamn stupid and unrealistic that it drives me crazy.

I was nodding my head in agreement with that answer as well.

Yep. It's still a quality production but I when I was watching the premiere this afternoon I realized I'm pretty much over it. I'll finish it of course, but if it had ended a year or two ago I think it would have been better for the show.

This was a solidly funny episode. It was way better than the pilot.

Yep. This show is pretty damn bad now, which is why I hope it gets canceled.

No. None of this show is worth watching.

If I could give the Emmy to anyone I'd give it to Michael Sheen from Masters of Sex. Cranston has won enough, True Detective wasn't that good and House of Cards has always been terrible.

Bullshit. Breaking Bad is the superior show, but Glenn Close gives a better performance than any of the actresses on it.

Bullshit. Breaking Bad is the superior show, but Glenn Close gives a better performance than any of the actresses on it.

I agree.  I just don't see how people can possibly think DVDs will be going away any time soon. The selection of titles that Netflix has available on Instant Watch leaves a lot to be desired.