
Magazine Update

This is a great way to handle Bethesda's really annoying new review policy. I never played dishonor, but everything about this seems cool. I hope the technical issues are not as widespread as I have heard. Can't wait to hear more.

Roman Holiday, as everybody knows, is overrated commie propaganda.

My grandfather fought in the pacific theater in WWII, I remember watching a documentary about the specific boat he served on once for christmas. I can't remember the name, but it was a touching experience to be had with a usually crotchety gentleman.

Magazine Update.

Truly, what a time to be a commenter on the Audio Visual club.

Currently has to be Steven Universe. An amazing show that provides a wonderful example of how to be empathetic. It's also gorgeous and has some of the loveliest music imaginable.

Hey everybody, I have been a long time lurker and decided to finally come out of the shadows. In light of recent events I thought it would be good to continue to bring some slight positivity and thoughtful discourse to a commentariat that has proved to be reliably kind and considerate.