Velocet 8

Yes, and they show him speaking French several times before he is with Marie.

Dude, you sound like an Android fanboy ranting against iPhones on an internet forum based on stuff you've read other people say and not direct personal experience. You clearly don't speak French and haven't spent a lot of time around Francophones. Its obvious to anyone who has. Quit being pedantic and snobby about

Tyson is just doing that to make money and get fame. He is ripping off a practice done for many years by Bad Astronomer Phil Plait. It has nothing to do with suspending disbelief, it has all to do with extended scientific dialogue, and in Tyson's case it has all to do with fame and popularity. Phil Plait does it

Yes, and both of those are realistically depicted. Go spend a lot of time with native Francophones, you'll see the same thing happen, especially in interfamily dialogue like that depicted in Mad Men.

I highly doubt you noticed any flaw in Marie's French outside of reading about it online. The second part of what you said was just wrong. I have many friends from Montreal and the few without perfect English will often speak French around me when it is not important that I understand, because they are more

"So how does such a family….wind up with a perfectly bilingual daughter named Megan?"

Mexican people in New Mexico would disagree with you. More like Latin American Spanish vs Castilian Spanish.

So, you understand the differences between Cypriot Greek and Greek, but not the difference between Canadian French and French?

Roger always spoke a bit of French, this isn't new. He is shown understanding and roughly speaking French in earlier episodes.

Except that all of the elements of the ad were seen by Don at the retreat before it is shown. The girl with ribbons in her hair, the green rocky cliffs with raking light, the various cultural/ethnic elements, the communal group participations, etc etc. That's the case for him creating it. Its impossible to say for

I don't think that's exactly how that conversation went, but at any rate, the copy chief at McCann was also a woman (who had men working under her), and several other copywriters were as well. Joan's situation is much different than Peggy's.

Seems to have worked out pretty well for Megan, Betty, Marie, etc etc. Meritxell's assessment was far more astute than yours.

Nobody else caught the 17 thing in this episode?? Betty's teen crush Glen is 17. Sally's friend who has a crush on Don is 17. (These are both clearly and loudly stated in this episode.) Don's apartment, which he leaves at the end, is number 17B (clearly shown on the door). This is season 7 episode 10 (7+10=17).

"Soviet" Russia…not "Communist" Russia. Get your schtick right.

Its a specific type of amphetamine, a very concentrated type. I think the point was to explain that he's on various amphetamines including crystal meth (which IS worse than others), to show that he is on whatever he can get AND the strongest he can get. Listen to that mouth smacking and rambling, the dude is

Everything about his video SCREAMS meth. Mouth smacking, rambling, paranoia, accusations, no money, delusions of grandeur, etc. Typical meth head.