Winston Grant

Don't be a jerk.

There’s always asteroid mining.learn a new skillset.Start watching “The Expanse.”The jobs of the future are already out there.Until everyone has staged up, we need to stop taking advice from people who should be in old-age homes or insane asylums.

Such as? The Navy needs to bring it's water-fuel tech back ON SHORE. Now.

The happy part will be reclaiming what we've LOST once we have new leadership.

Would you rather have to ROW to work?


Fuck you. Turn your silage into ethanol, dickhead.Guys like you got us where we are. Welcome to Waterworld.

“Premiums"aren't going to cut it if we lose the coasts.

Can we PLEASE quit fellating these guys? GM IS on the right track—we JUST lost Venice AGAIN. Once Miami goes,you motherfuckers still gonna be hootin’and hollerin’? We are roughly ONE population center loss away from a giant fucking wake-up call.And that delusional fuck at 1600 won’t do SHIT to save you THEN...He’ll


Reminds me of SPECIES a BAD way.

Horror Funk.When is this guy gonna get together with George Clinton?

You CLEARLY haven’t seen the French in a while.



Get SOME, Bart!

Dumbass. Sonny probably DELIBERATELY hit that fucking tree so he wouldn't have to listen to her bullshit anymore.


It must be really hard for him to form senrences with his head jammed up his ass like that.
