Winston Grant

Sounds like just ANOTHER asshole to me.



No “WE” DON’T.This is LONZO’S shit to clean up. It’s HIS puppy.


No...HE’S RICH. obviously these IDIOTS thought “CHINA” was just ANOTHER mall where they thought mentioning their father’s names would get them “released on bail..time served.” “WRONG MOVE,GWAILO DOGS!”

SCREAMIN’through Manhattan.

FUCK Harcourt Fenton Mudd: He NEEDS to be “ABANDONED”in the same “dark quadrant”as Jar Jar Binks—and for the SAME reason;his monkey ass ALWAYS gets people “BANG IN TROUBLE.”

Lorca’s a BLACK-OPS guy.PERIOD.All this crap about “wondering where the Moral Center is”.you work your way to the CENTER from the EDGE. That’s where you START with this show: “Out on the EDGE of “Never Been Done.”

I don’t know if you’re fucking KIDDING us right now or NOT: LIEUTENANT Stamets, no MATTER how “BRILLIAAANT” he’s SUPPOSED to be,is THE MOST ARROGANT,SELF-IMPORTANT,”JUMPED-UP JOHNNY,COUNTRY-CLUB MOTHERFUCKER” to EVER not SPEND every goddamn EPISODE either being BEATEN to a PULP for general SNOTTINESS by random members

Because Malia STILL has Secret Service protection.

Wait: “Rural Sociology?”

Then there’s THAT.^


In the future “The World’s Greatest Airline”comes ROARING back because everybody who was involved in its DELIBERATE demise will either be DEAD or FINALLY brought to justice by TRULY impartial judges who CAN’T BE BOUGHT.And by that time EVERY fucked-up “decision” and “directive”made by *45 and his band of brigands will

Jesus CHRIST.Barring a HUGE yacht accident,the line of SUCCESSION might as well be called the “line of MOST SUCKAGE”.

Holy shit man... The Rimac is the goddamn Enterprise 1701-C class compared to these pieces of shit...

WHY,for God’s sake—he’s like a little Idris!


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Shannon CRUSHIN’IT.