WHAT THE EVERLASTING FUCK? This assholes’accent sounds as fake as Stephen Seagal’s. And moreover,The Sheriff’s Department should STAND BY—Rep.JagoffBoy is almost CERTAIN to be picked up for “menacing behavior.”
WHAT THE EVERLASTING FUCK? This assholes’accent sounds as fake as Stephen Seagal’s. And moreover,The Sheriff’s Department should STAND BY—Rep.JagoffBoy is almost CERTAIN to be picked up for “menacing behavior.”
I like this Macron cat-He seems like one of those little,ultra-wiry rockclimber/Surete/French Special Forces guys you see in David Belle movies: (You know,the kind of cat Djimon Honsou calls for BACKUP because he’s pinned down-and then thid ONE GUY kills EVERYONE..and then rappels in through the skylight with a…
maaaaaan.....I stopped laughing long enough to take a GOOD look at these things:
Not only a RESOUNDING NO-but FUCK no. those things look like they were cut out of used TIRES.
MY ASS? getting KICKED? you haven’t MET me,so I’ll spare you the hearty bellylaughs I reserve for all the fools who TRIED and wound up hospital bait.
Yeaaaaah OK,DAD.
BINGO.WE HAVE A WINNER.Thank GOD for the fucking Times. Not listening to the WELL-INFORMED has brought us to this pretty pass—and listening,without thinking critically,to the daughter of one of the LEAST self-observant individuals of the 2oth Century——is one of the STUPIDEST things ANYONE could DO right now—and…
That’s bullshit.”grew up playing Halo on Xbox?” SERIOUSLY?
Why is this ASSHOLE your “friend” again?
The fucking BOOT.
Yes. It’s probably a HUGE disappointment to Sojourner Truth.
No. We NEED people with passports to state the OBVIOUS SHIT to lowlanders who’ve never BEEN ANYWHERE.
Yeah,but if you say “Hit me,” and the guy turns out to be Wesley Snipes? #YaFUCKEDUP.
Hear fucking HEAR!!
By doing WHAT exactly? Treating PAYING PASSENGERS like SHIT?
That’s COLD.
Fuck it. Non-player FILLER is NON-PLAYER FILLER.