
Well, I finally completed The Zegend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. (Actually, I completed it last Wednesday, but I was too busy to post last Friday).
I did all the Shrines, Main Quests, and Sidequests. I had to look up a few sidequests, and I also glanced at a map for some shrines - not that that helped for one

I think I'd have to disagree about the early game being too constraining - I think the constraints help it to some degree. That mountain is too tall to climb with your current stamina, which adds to its impressiveness. Once you climb it, it's an achievement, then once you can climb it easily, you forget its earlier

Another nice one of those was forma.8, which (I just checked) finally came out in February! The developers suggested it may possibly be ported to Switch as well.

Agreed on the quality of the Pokemon remakes! Even with all the excellent recent games, SoulSilver is still one of the best of the series. One of the most polished, with lovely details in every corner. And I still want the following Pokemon to return someday.

David Wise music you say? Available on Switch you say? Sign me up! Uh, just as soon as I'm done with Breath of the Wild, that's all.
Still playing BOTW of course. Completed the last dungeon, and found all the memory locations, so the only main quest stuff left is Ganon itself. That won't be done for a while, though -

Actually, on that point about taking on Ganon right away, I can't wait to see how speedruns turn out, and I might even try a few myself - how much prep do I have to do before I can beat the game, I wonder?

I've been playing about 6 hours a day for the past 2 weeks. I don't think it's very good for me…

But sidequests!

I've resorted to a guide very few times. One of those times was actually for the lost woods, since it seemed to go wrong at the end no matter which direction I went. As it turns out, I was correct all along, but I was being too slow at the end. So that was silly, but I still felt like i'd solved it myself.

Still haven't finished that damn stealth/escort section. Gave up after being reset too many times. Not even stealth gear would help, since the bugger just looks straight at you…

I now realize that every game I play should have a second Sir Digby playthough

I mourn the passing of Sir Digby Chicken Cesar, Phantom Thief. Taken from us too soon. Before he even existed, in fact.
I would have watched/read that Let's Play.

Still deep into Breath of the Wild. As is inevitable with videogames, the initial awe at this massive world has faded as each peak and Tower is scaled, and distant landscapes become familiar. Though the game still surprises me sometimes - I had assumed Hyrule Castle was off limits til the defeat of the four bosses,

Deluxe version has Bob-Omb Blast, which automatically makes it worth getting!!

Same here! I noticed the red moon and assumed it was a story thing that would be explained later. Then I noticed smoke swirling around. Then of course the event happened and I was freaked out and impressed. Definitely a point in favour of avoiding spoilers!

Actually been playing something this week! Yep, I was gonna hold out til next month, but I spotted a coworker playing Breath of the Wild, and having it there in front of me, I was unable to resist. So I quickly bought a Switch and game, and I'm loving it. I'm an obsessive explorer, so I'm loving it - there's almost

It's been about three (or four?) weeks since I was round Gameological parts (and three weeks since playing any video game. Or even reading about one). I was going to hold off on the Switch til Mario Kart comes out, but the new Zelda is so tempting. It could be just what I need to get me back into games again -

That Unity neuroscience thing sounds way cool! I think, of all the things to create, it's tools which I find most admirable. I hope it proves useful to you and others in the future!

Only small things this week. Completed World of Goo. The physics puzzles are nice and enjoyable, although I disliked how building any tower was basically guaranteed to result in it collapsing at some point. The game did a good job of keeping the challenges varied, with different interesting gimmicks. I found the

It's one of the most attractive things about the IF community actually - not just from the "sweet, I don't have to pay anything" viewpoint, but from the point of simply creating things because you want to and sharing with others.