
And hey, if they follow the normal toys-to-life retail pattern, they’ll constantly be on sale until they wind up on clearance.

For obvious reasons, my brain immediately thought of this:

It quite literally says ‘Final Fantasy Brave Exvius’ on the bottle label when you zoom in. Even says FF/Final Fantasy multiple times in the source article.

Thing that’s bothering me most: his robot ‘ears’ do some crazy mass shifting/rubber bounce effect when they pop out of a physically smaller gap in the helmet. Who OK’d this?? Metal doesn’t work this way.

Thanks, Bash! Fascinating answer. Now I’m definitely curious. I’m used to sake being within the realm of ‘spicy/fruity’ outside of your typical ‘dry’. I’m also guessing daiginjo is probably a touch heavier than your typical sake as well?

They should partner up with a whiskey as well. So come 10~12 years, they can release it at the same time the FFVII remake comes out!

Interesting. I’m a little heartbroken though, about how this dispute goes that far back (and I mean everything about it, including being controlled by Japan).

This seems like a really weird hill to die on. I get that the Korea is very understandably super sensitive when it comes to many things Japan, but this feels like misplaced anger. The map clearly is meant to resemble 16th century Spanish cartography, it would make more sense for them to name the sea from what the

She’s pretty much just wearing 80's gym shorts. Nothing spectacularly obscene. Hell, I posit that Zero Suit Samus is far more ‘revealing’.

Are those also “rigged” like they are in the USA? Or can you actually win with just skill.

Not a bug, just a really roundabout way of beating Tumblr’s “female-presenting nipples” ban.

I personally would’ve preferred this as a bust, complete with subtitle:

Plot Twist: the vending machine’s programming was suppose to have been done by Gearbox, but they outsourced it and the code came back loaded with typos.

Wait, were there specific reasons why it shut down?? As in, what factors kept them from making ends meet? Feels like something like this should’ve been at least breaking even.

Bash this is the REX, not the RAY.

You might as well attach yourself to a capacitor and charge a battery because the amount of static you’d generate wearing this in a dry day would give Doc Brown a run for his money.

14% a year?? Is there an unspoken alcohol problem in Japan I don’t know about? Or did tastes change drastically in a short period?

I’m disheartened that I have to agree. There’s still people fuming over Zazie Beetz being Domino, so I can imagine that that particular geekdom segment would absolutely flip if say, they cast Julia as an African-American.

I am sad that this is the first time I’ve ever seen this image. And I call myself a 99 fan...

I also actually did not know that until very recently. I only remembered her house was southeast Asia. I had to go diving into exactly where, then bam, Merlion in the episode she remembers.