I watched when Game Grumps did some episodes of the first Gal Gun. What surprised me was that the mythos they set up was actually intriguing; the whole “if the hero doesn’t find love in a day he’s cursed to never find it ever” thing was an interesting point of risk for the plot.
In this apartment, the bathtub is on the balcony.
Holy crap, those folks apparently have genitals for faces!
See the problem is we’re viewing this on a 2D screen, not a 4D tesseract.
Love the coloring work, but some of these ladies appear to be suffering from High Vagina Syndrome.
I think what upset me most about this loss is that, to me anyway, Miiverse had this very different sense of community from other game/art boards. It felt more whimsical and “soft”, in a sense that no one was really there to judge each other. I’ve yet to really run across a community of that size that had that same…
I saw way too many genitals and racist trolling in those last minutes myself.
Interesting. They upgraded the sensor by a lot, despite not even being a Abyssus 2. The Chroma support is pretty rad as well.
Good part: D.Va themed anything is awesome.
I will never get used to that stupid, pencil moustache, super-punchable face.
That was something that really did baffle me when I went there.
That’s not really absurd. My best guess: he’s moving his hair out of his face with his thumb while trying not to keel over (that’s a “my feet are tired” leaning on himself kind of waist hold). He probably works as that beverage trucker and had a really long day.
Wait wait, so if I have the Wii U Adapter and NOT bothered by a cord, I effectively don’t have to get a Pro controller? Because if that’s the case, sweetness.
It’s still floating around if you still want it. I myself have that set and a few other Dimension sets, but did not even bother with the game. (I played a bunch of other TT Lego games and noticed it’s almost exactly the same as the others, barring the ‘build a vehicle’ gimmick.)
He does know what the internet has done with 2B, right? Because if you credit all that to him even just partially, he’s made like, a gazillion adult movies.
Thanks. I started looking this up now. Guess I didn’t need the sleep after all.