
I think at this point all of Manila qualifies as automobile hell.

Wait, is Arin in the raptor suit??

“Sweet maids are better than an unreasonable boss.”

Why does it feel like ‘over 500 items’ isn’t a big enough number for Gojira merchandise? Skimping on certain Gojira versions? No Gigan stuff?

As a grown adult with limited homespace enough as it is, I find this thing preposterous.

Awkward moment: when he finds out she plays as Zerg.

Man I’d completely forgotten about these until just now. They weren’t too bad at all; just the right blend of coffee and cola nut flavoring. It looks like this new product is the literal opposite of that flavor, which is an automatic “yughk” for me.

Sad prediction: once Nintendo actually makes enough to satisfy the demand, a good majority will get bored of it rather quickly and stop playing the thing altogether. Then it will promptly show up in second-hand and thrift stores a few years later for a fraction of its original value. See: Nintendo Wii.

No disrespect to the chef, but whatever that Tuxedo Kamen ‘dish’ is, it definitely looks like something scooped out of a drainage canal near some cherry blossoms.

I’m surprised this wasn’t a focus in the marketing way back when the XB1 S first came out in Japan or any region for that matter. They could’ve totally weaponized this feature back when Sony announced that the PS4 Pro WASN’T going to have UHD-BD playback.

Took me a moment, but I got it.

Fun fact: The wall right near where that man is standing has a perfectly good, edible, roasted chicken hidden in it that you can whip free.

There it is! I was not let down after all.

Doesn’t seem authentic. I’ve not seen a link to neither RealPlayer stream nor QuickTime video MOV.

Too bad they didn’t let Anno DIRECT the commercial. We could’ve had Hondas making us doubt our faith in humanity, have overt Oedipal themes, and Civics with sick plasma cannons.

Roadhog, clearly.

As much as I love Bionicle sized Lego Street Fighters, I think the issue is the combination of fans AND Capcom.

They look like Newgrounds parodies of themselves.

Starred just for the use of “backpfeifengesicht”.

Needs more Solitaire: