
I have a (cruddy) 4K TV so I will most likely check this out on that when I get the chance.

As someone who is more into Transformers but was once HARD into LEGO, I will say LEGO is definitely the more expensive of the two collection hobbies. I totally believe you when you say you’ve hit $4000 in less than a year. I had to wean myself off of them as I ran into the same space problem Fahey mentioned.

Hasbro’s been listening to fans for a decent amount of time now actually. Some tradeoffs here and there but the state of their toy quality is much better than what it once was for the collector crowd. Now if you harangue the Movie-verse into this statement, the caveat is Michael Bay does NOT listen to fans.

That sounds quite possible, and with that even more tragic. That means decent quality work might have actually been put in there by one or more persons that had to get shut down because of unexpected or arbitrary reasons.

Coming soon: Funimation - Answer The Call.

That’s just depressing isn’t it? That they bothered to even make something like this not because they genuinely wanted to offer an interesting product, but instead just thrown in as “hype merchandise”.

I bring this up every now and again whenever something like this shows up: people got PAID to design this. That means this batted around team’s task list for at least a couple of weeks. Vector files were emailed back and forth; templates were assigned; color selection and matching was done; samples were debated upon;

Cecil Harvey sees no issue with using menacing armor for casual occasions. Take it from him, he uses it for everything: meeting with his girl, sleeping in his tower quarters, and even watching burlesque.

I find it interesting that that one fellow took the time to censor that one car’s license plate. Is that a thing? Seems like an unwritten rule of some sort. Because if Youtube tells me anything, is if you ain’t the news, you don’t censor bug-all. (Unless that Twitter account IS a news outlet??)

This strikes me as a strange practice, even for Japan. Your standard solution to this would just be a regular screen with a looping advertisement video. But here they opted for something that feels even more removed.

Wonder what the ratio of that is Team Pearl?

Good for you Nintendo! Now where my F-Zero at? I know you just gave Samus her job back, but Captain Falcon has now been a Smash Bros. character longer than he’s been an F-Zero character.

If you care at all about 4K UHD Blu-rays, the XB1 S (in a good sale like this) is one of the cheapest UHD Blu-ray players in the market. It’s one of the few advantages it has a media machine over the PS4/Pro.

If you care at all about 4K UHD Blu-rays, the XB1 S (in a good sale like this) is one of the cheapest UHD Blu-ray

You kinda already had half the answer. Why bother making higher quality product when ignorant/unwitting kids and adults will eat them up regardless? Mega Bloks has no signs of slowing down despite having the inferior product. So they’re doing something right; as in, something that makes them money.

I’m a little confused on how this can happen. Do they run on the ‘lowest bidder’ system like they do here with CGFX studios? Are the producers just lousy? Was there some foul play afoot? Or did they simply bite off more than they could chew.

Whoa whoa wait, a Gridman series possibly using today’s state of technology and information? Yes please.

You mean the guy who translated this has trouble finding real translation work?

Yeah but they’re getting Panel De Pon and no Tetris Attack for us, so by my book they won this round.

Scarcity on opening months is a terrible metric to use for the ‘success’ of a product, especially in technology/gaming. One could use that argument for the PS Vita, and look how that turned out. Or hell, you could even use that to spin the Wii into a failure (super hard to find for good while, became the ultimate

I’m pretty sure that’s corporate talk for “it did slightly better than tanking”.