That’s really odd isn’t it? Inafune is like George Lucas; at the helm it gets disastrous, but in a lesser role some magic comes through (like the original Mega Man X series).
That’s really odd isn’t it? Inafune is like George Lucas; at the helm it gets disastrous, but in a lesser role some magic comes through (like the original Mega Man X series).
Don’t be mistaken by MN9. As far as I’m aware that was done primarily by Comcept, Inafune’s “not Capcom” company. Inti Creates really served more as a ‘mentor’, since Inafune is a producer more than he is a developer.
Wait, people don’t like shiny-from-wear keycaps? I always thought that gave keyboards character, sort of a testament to their longetivity. I have an old Dell ALPS mechanical with shiny keys that make for an interesting contrast with the vomit sand beige body.
This looks bizarrely surreal in a good way, like a reverse uncanny valley. It looks like a ridiculous lighting engine demo but with a lot of very basic procedurally generated polys.
I’m going to go ahead and guess that Dragon & Colonies is going to be a mildly interesting but ultimately whale-reliant kind of game? I noticed those kind of games are blowing up in Japan.
Unfortunately that sounds way more interesting and complex than the actual Mario games could ever get. Which is a shame. Because I feel like there are undisclosed traumas about Peach involving being constantly kidnapped by a giant monster turtle.
You gotta give them a moment. They could be in the middle of getting a dev kit as we speak, but simply having one doesn’t mean ‘automatically ported’. They look like a very small dev team so there’s no way someone there knows the inner workings of the Switch already. The nice part is the Tegra isn’t exactly alien in…
It certainly looks like this Pikachu is receiving...
So is that Onechan-McCree? McCree-Bara?
Dat custom loading screen tho...
Oh no don’t get me wrong. I absolutely love R&F, in a horrble abuser/abusee kind of relationship. It was so out there challenge-wise for a Mega Man game that it still shines to this day. But I’ve never beaten it myself; I got far but after the second King boss, I just straight up quit that game.
I’m kinda torn. Part of me is mad they didn’t throw in Rocknan & Forte/Mega Man and Bass into this mix, but another part is glad. That game violates the Geneva Convention from the sheer mental torture. Although I would’ve taken the Wonderswan version as a consolation prize. I mean seriously, Stove Man?! Look at this…
I hate that I can’t really disagree with you. Although I must say, I doubt that’s exclusively an American behavior.
The typos are actually a super secret Metroid password: You unlock all the missiles but then lose them all because you sold them to Saudi Arabia.
If I had to guess, Square Enix were working on the XB1 port of FFXV long before it became obvious that Xbox One is pretty much a non-contender by the time it came out.
I’m a die-hard Rockman/Megaman X fan... and I’m not really digging this. It’s like the producer couldn’t make up their mind between an original robot and X, and just sort of jammed them up together. And that hand, that hand’s just all sorts of nightmare material.
I told you she was a lesbian!
Sorry to say this but that guess is highly improbable. A properly coded game would run their physics/hit calculations completely independent of any frame draw timing, whether it be 30, 60, or unlimited. The fact that this bug exists at all means a portion the code was ‘duct taped’ together in an attempt to save…
If they remastered on to PS4 or XB1, it would be riotous to lock a relatively old game into 30fps (there would be definitely people complaining about not using the consoles’ full horsepower to run at 60fps). Even then, this would probably surface as a problem anyway.
I’m actually pleasantly surprised Splatoon is that high up in this list. Thankfully Splatoon 2 is MUCH earlier in the lifetime of the Switch than part 1 was for the Wii U. So hopefully the community has nothing left to do but get bigger. And with that, I say a hearty Woomy to all.