I’m assuming it’s the PSVR thing, which is awesome for PS4 owners, totally balls for PC gamers. I’ve got both but I went out on a limb and preordered the PC version. Been burned so many times by preorders, you think I’d have learned...
I’m assuming it’s the PSVR thing, which is awesome for PS4 owners, totally balls for PC gamers. I’ve got both but I went out on a limb and preordered the PC version. Been burned so many times by preorders, you think I’d have learned...
If you don’t like exploration for exploration’s sake, don’t bother with this game. It’s an exploration orgasm and not much else. I’m stoked for it, but I’m the guy that quits playing an MMO as soon as I’ve seen the whole map.
Me too. I scheduled a couple of vacation days around the release date for it. Silly, I know, but I love me some genuine space exploration games.
They commit the smallest of baller crime.
I’m not saying it looks great, but keep in mind that GTA V was in development for a solid five years with a team of 1000, experienced designers/artists/etc
To be fair, it sounds like you’d be more interested in games called Photoshop and Corel Painter. Those games are all about actual painting, and more importantly the people you sell them to give you real world money.
Yeah that bothered me too. “ this is a game spout painting” huh I wonder how they are gonna set that up, maybe my artsy friend would enjoy this. After watching the video. Huh I never realized painting was as easy as taking a canvass into the wilderness and watching the scene materialize.
The same way games give you score based on what you photograph in some games.
Sadly, it’s not so much about painting, more like Screenshot Simulator. :/
Unity is super easy to use, but don’t fuss over which engine to start on. They’re all created to allow non-developer types to create things.
Yeah! Totally agree. There are far, far worse people who’ve become incredibly successful through gaming.
I dig Pewdiepie. I have never seen a single “let’s play” of his. I don’t get it. However, i have seen a vlog of his, and i saw that video of him talking about his income - and of course these interviews (the one on Colbert too) - i like him. His content might not be for me, but man he seems so down to earth, and his…
Already made my own walking simulator on Greenlight. Make sure and vote for Everybody’s Gone Home to the Firewatch.
Do it. But please keep an open mind about it. This isn’t a game that will BLOW YOUR FREAKING MIND with REVELATORY SECRETES THAT MAY VERY WELL CHANGE THE COURSE OF HUMAN HISTORY!!!. It’s a rather quite, humorous, and meditative look at empathy that works partly because uses the medium to express its themes (through…
*checks gut*
A reduction in piracy won’t = an increase in sales. it’ll just result in less games being played by pirates.
You realize he’s not saying anywhere that people are criticizing his cancer right? He’s admitting that he’s not good at taking criticism and saying that he doesn’t want to spend the rest of his terminal-cancer-having life taking criticism badly. That’s not “using cancer as a weapon”. How do you “quit” with a weapon…
I think he’s saying that he doesn’t care what other people think about his work because he’s going to be dead in two years. Not that people criticized his cancer.
Fuck cancer